Yes, most of these shoes belong to me. Not all my shoes are in this picture. I admit that I have a shoe problem. Hubby said my yarn stash was jealous of my shoe stash. Not funny.
I finished my Christmas knitting.

Pattern: standard top down sock
Yarn: ONline Superoscke 6ply Cottage; col 1079, 1 skein (150g; 410 yds)
Needles: 2.75mm dpns
The Sock Hole Fairy has visited me again. This time, my KP socks have fallen victim:

This pair has joined the other two pairs in the "I-don't-know-what-to-do" heap.
The pest guy has come and gone. He crawled around outside and identified 12 points of possible rat entry in our roof (we have a weird roof configuration). Then he stuck his head into our attic and come down with a scrap piece of wood with rat footprints on it. EEEEWWWWW! So traps have been placed and we're pretty sure one has been caught. The pest guy comes back tomorrow morning to empty the traps. Blech! Then he's going to install rat proof screening over all the entry points which should keep us rat proof for a long time.
Sometimes, Ricky looks pretty funny sleeping right in the middle of the hallway - elbows sticking out and chin resting on the ground. He looks like a turkey.

It's hard to believe that this innocent face can get into so much trouble.

The "black eye" is from a fight with Phoebe. She managed to spear him in the face with one of her claws. And I found my hibiscus plant all chewed up. It's on a tall plant stand which is close to a window sill that's 4 ft off the ground. Ricky has figured out that he can (a) jump that high and (b) reach the plant from the sill. So we booby trapped the ledge and when he tried to land on it, stuff fell down on him, and he ran away scared. He is such a bad cat!