Lemme tell you that it's darling!

I promised P-la that I would type up the pattern for the flower motif in my previous post. So here it is:
Hook: 4mm/G
Yarn: DK weight
Finished size: approx 5" across
Yardage: ???
Gauge: ???
Rnd 1: ch6, join with slst to form a loop
Rnd 2: ch3, 11 dc in loop
Rnd 1: ch12, slst into first ch to form a loop.
Do not turn. Continue working in a counter-clockwise manner.
Rnd 2: sc, hdc, 8 dc, ch2, 8 dc, hdc, sc, (slst into next dc) twice
Repeat Petal (rnds 1 & 2) 5 more times. Break yarn.
To join the flowers together, work up to the ch2 on Rnd 2 of the Petal. Ch1. Take the hook out and insert it into the ch2 gap on a previous flower and then into the working loop. Ch1 and continue with the rest of the round to complete the petal.
I went to the pet store to pick up some food for Phoebe and they had these cool scratchy things so I impulsively bought one. It was in the house 5 mins and Ricky was already scratching at it. Phoebe is ignoring it so I sprinkled a little catnip and Ricky zoomed over and entered into a drugged stupor.

Ricky is enjoying walks with his new harness. On the weekend, he was so busy looking around that he didn't turn into our front walk like he usually does. He kept going down the sidewalk and when we got to our neighbour's driveway, he turned right, took 5 steps, and stopped. Ricky was looking around trying to figure out where he was. I could hear the gears grinding in his little head. I had to pick him up and put him back on the sidewalk facing our house. I coaxed him with my foot to get him moving but when we got to our walkway, he turned onto it and it was smooth sailing all the way to the front door.
I took Ricky out again tonite. A van came down the street and scared him silly. At first, he backed up and then he ran across the lawn - towing me behind him. For an 11lb cat, he is incredibly strong. He ran all the way to the front door and then pawed at it until I opened it. What a chicken!
Teasing us with that cute and mysterious baby thing!
A kitty scroll! Lucky Ricky.
I love the blue and brown together! I just paired some yarn together that are those same colors! Beautiful!
Thanks for the crochet pattern, you know you rock my world!
Penny loves her scratching post like that! Those fabrics look great together.
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