The scarf is more than half way done and I'm loving it. Thanks for my latest obsession, Li.
Today, I went to our one and only local fiber festival. It's teeny but worth the one hour drive. I scored some SweetGeorgia sock yarn:

And a skein of undyed silk/cashmere (still blaming you, Li):

And that's it for me. I bought a drop spindle & some roving but it's for a friend who wants to learn how to spin. I was very restrained. Probably because this arrived in the mail this morning:

This is my hubby's yarn stash. It's his because he ordered and paid for it. This yarn represents the Whistler sweater (made famous by the Yarn Harlot) that I'm supposed to be knitting for him. Am I insane for agreeing to knit a huge (hubby is 6'4") fair isle sweater?
I don't have any good cat pictures to share with you. Phoebe is pretty much glued to her heated bed and Ricky's taken to sleeping under the quilt on our bed. They're not very photogenic. So here's a gross picture:

It's a paper wasp nest that hubby found in our crawl space yesterday night. I sent him down there to see if there were any foundation issues (no leaks so we're keeping the big maple tree) and he found this under the wood floor near the fireplace. That explains the occasional buzzing that I heard last summer. Ewwwwwww!
Not insane but you will question your sanity, you might start to display questionable judgement and your friends and peers may be come concerned for you.
Make sure you have a goal or motivation project to help enable you to finish the knitting of this project. My hubby is 6'8" so I have been there done that a couple of times. Set yourself carrot payoff for doing x amount of rows or inches..
ie I can knit on the lace for 1/2 an hour if I do 2 inches on his sodding never ever ending stockinette sleeve.
I did a simple sweater for the hubby during the winter olympics and I was nearly committed but I did it.
You are so welcome ;-) From your enabler.
Love the scarf. Can't say that I think your sane for agreeing to knit a 6'4" man a sweater, but you'll probably be happy you did it in the end. Plus its knitting so it should make you happy anyway. Sorry about the wasps. Yuck.
I bet it's yummy knitting the scarf. :)
Your knitting is great! And it'll be even better after you're done with the Ginormous Sweater of Doom. Wow. You are brave.
So... how does one get rid of a wasp nest without getting stung all over?
Great. Now I want to knit that scarf. Fortunately I can't get to my yarn right now.
6'4? and you are how tall??? Hmmm...
What are you going to do about the nest?
I still think that you should teach M to knit. The McMoran Balance is now parked in my knitting bag. Hope to see you Wed.
Glad you bought that yarn before I did! Saw you there in your Helleborous but didn't get a chance to talk. :(
And no, you are not nuts to knit hubby a sweater! Just consider it a labour of love and offer yourself lots of incentives to keep working on it. Best of luck! It'll be gorgeous!
Well, you know my opinion of the sweater, and I'm sure you'll more than do it justice! Just think, there's more of him to show off your fabulous knitting.
I'm sorry to hear (see) the wasp nest, but not sorry about the tree. I'll come help you rake leaves in the fall.
i recently knitted baby booties in cashmere and it was heaven. I was wondering what I could make for me. This looks like the perfect project. Thanks♥ I just recently found your blog and I am loving it. I especially love your lace patterns! Thank you so much. I think there are enough to keep me busy for awhile
my hubbie is also 6'8", b ut thin, so i have to adjust most patterns like mad. he's a medium in circumference, but a 2xl in length, lol. fun times, indeed.
enjoy the ride, lol.
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