Anyways, the correct answer to the contest's skill testing question is 12. I finished a grand total of 12 pairs of socks last year. A very small drop in the bucket compared to Gladys who has knit something like 15 pairs of socks in the last 4 months. I'm sure if we knew how many she knit last year, we'd all swoon with envy.
C., Jade, and pencraftco correctly guessed 12 and the RNG (Ricky is unavailable to assist me; see below) picks pencraftco. Yay! Send me an email at yarnfloozy AT gmail DOT com and I'll get your prize in the mail.
I was grocery shopping last week and had to pick up some cat food for Phoebe. I did a quick browse of the toy section and found Pawbreakers. They're a hard compressed ball of catnip. I threw one of those in my shopping cart.
I had a lot of groceries so it took me multiple trips from the car to get everything into the house. During one of my trips, I found this:

Yes, that is Ricky face-first in the bag hunting around for the Pawbreaker.

After he successfully fished it out of the bag, he proceeded to slobber all over it.

I eventually rescued it from him, wiped the spit off the package, and put the Pawbreaker on the ground. He loves it. It's a little tricky to play with because it rolls really well on the hardwood floors. Phoebe gave it a smack and it rolled clear across the house, through the dining room and ended up under a chair in the living room. So we've quarantined the Pawbreaker in one of their shallow food bowls to keep it from disappearing.
It's a sunny day today so I'll have the opportunity to take pics of my new projects. I hope that sweater fits otherwise, you're getting a picture of frogged yarn.
How exciting to have won! Thank you. I'll send an email soon; just wanted to let you know how pleased I am to have won and to let you know that I am going to hold a blog contest this week too! http://pencraftco.wordpress.comt
Good job Ricky. Maybe I need to find that for Penny and Ozzy. I think maybe Abby and Gus would eat it though.
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