Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair,
Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't fuzzy, was he?
- traditional children's poem, author unknown

Pattern: 1267 Gedifra Sombra by Karola Gottwald from Gedifra Highlights 082
Yarn: Gedifra Sombra (col 3008); 14 skeins used
Needle: 9mm
Notes: Pattern called for 13 skeins and I used 14. The sweater is knit to gauge & measurements. I even had to unravel the gauge swatch and use the yarn for seaming. The ball band says 14 skeins for the size of sweater that I made so I think the pattern may not be correct. The sleeves are a smidge too long (darn those tall Europeans) but that's ok because this is meant to be a big cozy sweater. I knit the collar shorter (it's supposed to fold over) because I was running out of yarn. This was the craziest fuzzy yarn that I've ever knit with.

I definitely am very fuzzy when I wear it. Everyone wants to pet me because I look so soft.

You can see how long the sleeves are in the above pic.
My sock mojo is still MIA. I did a little sock knitting in Hawaii because that's all I brought. But once we got home, I immediately cast on a sweater (fuzzy wuzzy was finished before we left). I am knitting hubby (all 6'4" of him) a Dale of Norway sweater - Whistler to be precise. He skis there and when he saw the sweater in a shop last year, he wanted one. I opened my big mouth and offered to knit him one. He bought the sweater kit last year and I've been putting it off (there's a lot of black stockinette and eek! steeking). The lower body is almost complete. I have about 1.5" of black stockinette left and then I get to start the fun stranding. I've enlarged the chart onto 8 sheets of paper which I still need to tape together. Wish me luck!
Good Luck!!! I know your hubby's sweater is going to be awesome!!!
I love Fuzzy Wuzzy!!! Do the kitties snuggle with it? I would!!
Hey, You're in the Sweater!!!
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