"Ha Ha another one who has joined the slippery slope of spinning. Watch out spinning wheels and fibre can breed. Jan 2010 no wheel. Feb 2010 one wheel and under 500 gms of fibre. Fast forward to April 2011 - 4 raw fleeces to process, large tub of fibre tops and silvers + another box. 2 wheels, 5 spindles and I am heading to wonderwool in wales next weekend... Once you get fibre in the blood watch out....." - Kataatok
Is he/she trying to tell me that in 13 months I'll either be divorced or hubby will be sleeping in the garage?
"You'll be buying fleeces next!! Remember, she who has the most fibre when she dies, wins! Hehehehehehe" - Sharon in Surrey
I already win in the yarn/fabric/shoe stash category. I don't need another win.
This one scares me the most:
"I am awaiting the arrival of wheel #4, which should hopefully be here today. Just letting you know what you're in for :)" - Loren T
So the gist is that I'm doomed? Well then, let's get started!

This is 3 ply, 283 yds (116g) of sportweight spun from some lovely organic Romney/silk that I picked up from Penelope's booth last month (before I bought the wheel ::cough::).

All washed & whacked and ready for the sock needles.
While I was out yesterday, I fell into a yarn store and came home with more roving to spin. Today, I'm falling into another yarn store because 4 bobbins just isn't enough.
When we were in Hawaii, I found a Williams Sonoma store. Never been in one before and it certainly was an eye opener (and a wallet drainer). I want one of everything! But luggage space was tight so I limited myself to a very special set of cookie cutters.

It's an invasion of Storm Troopers! Break out the light sabers!!!!
To be even geekier, I made hubby pose with the Vader cookies wearing a very special t-shirt.

Ooops! I've got four wheels too, but one does not count, it's ancient, and not in use. I was thinking of buying another one, but then came to my senses. Rather buy more fiber. But you can never have enough bobbins!
Love the hubby shot with the cookies. :o)
There's a Williams Sonoma on South Granville I think. Somewhere around 14th or 15th. I refuse to go in nowadays for anything except Mulled Wine mix because the whole store is just too tempting!
On the wheels front, I managed to give back a wheel that has lived with me for over 18 months. So that leaves me with one working wheel, one wheel in pieces that I have to finish restoring, one Indian Head Spinner that needs some TLC and a drive band. So far, that's 3 wheels and 2 full drawers of fibre waiting for me to rediscover the joy of crafting.
Oh and I would l-o-v-e a CPW.
Darth's nothing - honestly, you just keep your eye on spinning!
I recently learned to spin on a spindle, and I'm too afraid to try out a wheel for fear that they will take over my house as well!
Those cookies are awesome! I love that store, too... I'm glad they're not in my town, or I'd be totally broke!
That yarn was even nicer in person, everyone! Soft, squishy & very well done for a beginner!! And I have only two wheels but one is an Indian Spinner with a giant bobbin . . .
Although I have no desire to spin, I do love handspun yarn!!! (cough, cough)
Maybe you can teach Ricky to use the foot pedals for you!
Love those Trooper cookies!!! So fun!
I had 2 wheels that I never used so sold them. I now live somewhere completely different. In the last week, 2 people have asked if I want spinning wheels. They are clearly stalking me, so I've given in. I shall HAVE to learn to spin.
This is funny - I just wrote a similar post on my blog about starting off with a spindle, and titled it the same! http://www.shesjustsaying.com/shes_just_saying/2011/04/spinning-out-of-control.html
I'll be following your adventures in spinland...
Kotaatok is such a spinning enabler, watch out for her in Ravelry on the spinning boards. ; )
I love your handspun yarn, it looks beautiful!
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