I learned a valuable lesson yesterday. Always carry a spare knitting project. I spent the day visiting my Dad and I took my Twinkle sock. I'd just turned the heel so I figured I'd have plenty of knitting to last me the day. Plus the first sock took forever to knit. I finished the sock at 6:30pm and went to knit nite with nothing to work on. I got bored after half an hour (and much laughing at by the other knitters) and I went home.
Anyways, here's the finished sock (the other sock is at the store):
Yarn: Dream in Color Smooshy; colour Wisterious
Needles: 2.5mm dpns
Pattern: Twinkle Sock (Ravelry link) by Monica Nappe; a Dream in Color design
Notes: There is an error in the Gusset instructions. It says to pick up 15 sts on the left side of the heel flap and 19 sts on the right side. That makes no sense to me. When you resume knitting on the instep after picking up the sts, there are 2 sts at the beginning of needle 2 and 2 sts at the end of needle 3 that need to be worked in stockinette otherwise, it doesn't look right. I had to deduce that bit by looking at the picture in the pattern. I love how the back of the sock dips down without any shaping in the pattern. There is 46g of yarn left in the skein!!!! The socks fit a woman's size 7 so if you've got larger feet, one skein should be plenty for a pair of socks. I definitely like this yarn and look forward to knitting with it again. These are my 40th pair of finished socks.
Since my needles were free, I promptly cast on another sock. I'm using STR med in Panzanite (a lovely gift from my friend, P-La).

I think Ricky has something stuck in his teeth, don't you? Speaking of STR, a LYS near me will be stocking it! Yahooo!!! After years of waiting, begging, and pleading, Blue Moon will soon have another Canadian retailer on their list. I'm already saving my money and will probably spend it all the first time I see STR in the store.
My quilting group met at my house today. I went upstairs to get my camera and I found Ricky doing one of these:

Of course, I had to drag everyone upstairs to witness his lack of modesty. I believe he glared at me while I laughed at him. Phoebe was also entertaining us with a little catnip fit. I think everyone got a good dose of cat today.
The weatherman says it might snow this weekend. If you've got heat, send it our way!
1 comment:
Love the socks and Ricky's tooth cleaning is too cute. The yardage is one of the things I love about smooshy. I can knit Chris a pair of 14 wide socks and there is PLENTY of yarn. I still split the ball just in case but I'm not worried really about running out.
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