Well, almost. It still needs a label and a wash. I want to name it "Ricky slept here" but unless you understand why, it doesn't make any sense. So I need to come up with something else.
Shortly after we adopted the cats, we went to a cat show and bought them a really expensive toy. It's just a fishing fly (minus the hook) attached to a stick via some tiger tail wire (used in jewellry). Ricky loves this toy. I can make him do donuts on the floor until he collapses in a heap. I've replaced the wire umpteen times because we play with it so much that it keeps breaking. The other day, it really broke.

The wire wrap has come undone and the feather bits were falling off. Not good. Today, I bought a new fishing fly (actually a 9 pack), cut the hook part off, and attached it to the stick and...

I think it's got Ricky's slobber of approval.
Something very special arrived in the mail yesterday. My buddy, pal, special friend, P-la sent me this lovely cowl made out of Koigu KPPPM!

I'm not very good at the self-portrait thing so the cats were forced into modelling it. Phoebe didn't mind wearing it but Ricky thought it looked better as a tube top. I can't wait until this weekend when I can wear it with my coat. If it's cool enough, I'm wearing it to work and around the yarn store. Thanks so much, P-la!
Speaking of yarn store, the big grand opening was on Sat. It was a crazy busy day but lots of fun, too. I was too busy ringing up purchases to buy yarn for myself but I did manage to eat several of these:

Now that the quilt is done, it's back to knitting. I hope to make a serious dent in the Christmas knitting during October. Wish me luck.