Monday, September 8, 2008

Police escorted

Our husbands have been cycling together for a couple of years now, and they belong to the same cycling club. Tonight's the last ride of this season, so they get a police escort to close the roads just ahead of them -- apparently 56 riders did tonight's ride.

That's Dotty's husband on the left, and mine on the right. And our friend Sarah's boyfriend (man-friend? significant other?) in the middle. The kids and I went up to meet them at their final destination, with their bikes.

I'm just wondering if I'll get this post uploaded before Markus gets home! Dotty, how did I do?

Oh yeah, some knitting content. I finished two Pokeball hats (free Ravelry download) for the kids. That's the easy photo.

This is the action photo. They like the hats, but then they have to be Pokemon in them.


Dotty said...

Yep, you posted before he got home. Great action shot of the boys with their hats. LOL!

Bea said...

Well it sort of makes since that if you wear a pokemon hat you have to be a pokemon. Probably thats why they are meant for kids.

PurlingPirate said...

Wow!! Closing the streets to ride! So good your city supports your riders!

Love the pokemon hats! If I was a bit younger, I'd wear one!

Turtle said...

love the story of the bikers! cute pokeball hats...a few years ago my daughter would have loved one!