Pattern: not-a-cable scarf; my own design
Yarn: Blue Sky Alpaca sport (or melange); col unknown (lost ball bands); 3 skeins
Needles: 4mm straights
Notes: It's about 7" wide and almost 5 feet long so it's a pretty decent size. I won 2 skeins of this yarn at my lys' first anniversary celebration and I bought 2 additional skeins so I have one skein left. My plan is to knit a pair of Fetchings to go with the scarf. Believe it or not, I think the yarn was softer before washing. It feels a little prickly against my neck now that it's dry. Humph!
I bought the new Debbie Bliss Knitting Magazine at the grocery store today. There are a coupla cute patterns that I like. I'm usually leery because her pattern instructions are written row by row with no schematics. So if you want to substitute yarn or if you can't quite get the right gauge, you're screwed. The magazine instructions are still written out line by line but there are now schematics. I looked up her patterns to add to my queue in Ravelry and it turns out that most of them have been previously published. That doesn't bother me since I don't buy any of her other books/patterns but it might annoy knitters who think they're getting new patterns to only find out that they're in a pamphlet that they already own.
Ricky (the bad cat) chased Phoebe out of her chair (I was out grocery shopping). He really enjoys sleeping there judging by the blissed out look on his face.

"MOMMMM!!!! Stop taking pictures of me!" - Ricky
Pretty scarf! I love Ricky. He's so cute...err I mean ferocious.
I've left you (and Ricky and Phoebe) a present on my blog. Go check it out!
Mmm that looks so soft and warm! Ricky is so funny (if mean to his sister).
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