Other than the heat, the work day was nice. I got to fondle some sample yarns that will show up on the shelves this upcoming fall/winter. And Jayne came in for a little visit. She had her latest and greatest yarn to show off. OMG!!! The pictures don't do the yarn justice. It was so much more awesome in person. She is a great dyer (and spinner and knitter ;).

Looks like my beginners crochet class is a go for next weekend so I'm busy making some revisions to my notes. No one has signed up for my Kids Krochet Kamp so I'm not sure whether I should be prep'ing for that or wait until a few kids sign up. So I'm going to get ready for my Sock Boot Camp class - basically a one day "learn to knit socks". I picked up some yarn for that yesterday and I'm starting to make notes. I was trying to draw a sock shape in MS Word using the draw tools but that wasn't working out so I whined to hubby that a tablet & pen would be really handy right about now. He leaned over, opened a storage box, and pulled out a brand new, unused tablet/pen still in the box. Even the invoice (dated Mar 08) was on top. He's had this thing over a year and (a) he hasn't installed it and (b) he hasn't told me about it. Yeesh! But now it's mine, all mine!

While I was out photographing my garden, I spotted a flat patch in my catmint (a close cousin to catnip). Looks like somekitty has been enjoying it. I often find flat spots and broken branches but the catmint is so vigorous that it recovers almost instantly.

The weather's been lovely here! I hope everyone had a good weekend in the sun!