Monday, May 18, 2009

random Monday

It's a long weekend in Canada so a lot of people have gone camping. My sister called at the crack of dawn to tell me that they broke camp at 7:30am. They woke up to snow on the ground and it was still snowing so they high-tailed it out of there. I stayed home and slept. I'm mostly over this weird cold which I now think was the flu judging by how ache-y I felt.

I've been up to my elbows in weeds the last few days (before it rains, again). That's what I get when I leave it too long. But everything looks good and I shouldn't need to do much weeding for at least a few weeks. I found two wasp nests (one under our patio table and one in our picnic bench) so I had to spray them. We've lived here 9 years and they've only been a problem during the last 2. I wonder why... My tulips have finished blooming but my columbines are putting on a great show. My white bleeding heart is huge and has lots of 'hearts'.

My prize from the Ride2Survive raffle arrived on Fri (Bugga! in Cow Killer) and inside the envelope were some catnip mousies. Phyl was so nice to send them along. Ricky wanted one right away but the last time I gave him one, I had to throw it out because he drowned it in his water bowl.

Vicki's socks are coming along. It's patterned so I'm finding it a slooooow knit. But I think it's all in my head because I'm already 2" from the heel flap. Off to find some lunch since it doesn't look like hubby's going to be home soon. He's gone off on his fancy schmancy mountain bike and he's throwing himself down Burnaby Mountain a coupla times.


dragon knitter said...

we end up with wasps every spring for about 2 weeks, then they go away. there used to be a nest in the framing of the old back door (found last fall when it was removed) but i don't know where they came from thisyear. i'vefound ant spray works just as well, lol.

Bea said...

Hmmm...I don't have any advice for the oddities of wasps. Catnip mice however? I always toss them into a water bowl for a few minutes then press and agitate them. Catnip is tea and so it makes the fabric smell even better to the cats. Maybe he just knows its good?

knitseashore said...

Your bleeding heart looks beautiful! I need to get out in our garden to tame the jungle, but the weather hasn't cooperated yet.

Camping + snow = my worst nightmare!