Narrow, covered in outdoor carpet which I could never sweep clean, sloping, squishy when it got wet, hard to sweep out the leaves underneath it, and rotting.
May I present our new back steps:

Cedar (aka rot resistant), fragrant, easy to sweep off, non-squishy when wet, top step is wide enough to hold many bags of groceries, it's level (!!!!), moveable for easy leaf removal, and will give us many years of stomping pleasure. Yay! Thanks to hubby for a great construction job.
I stopped by my lys to pick up my prize (from their first anniversary celebration). It contained two skeins of (no longer available) Sweet Georgia superwash sock yarn in the colour Framboises.

And 2 skeins of Blue Sky Alpaca.

I'm such a lucky knitter! Thanks Three Bags Full!
Afterwards, I went over to Grete's for some lunch, tea, and knitting. Knit nite has been cancelled for the month of August so we're in a bit of withdrawal. It starts up again next Wed but we couldn't wait. So I headed over with a box of goodies from a chinese bakery and Grete's daughter (also a knitter) joined us and brought some homemade cream puffs. Double yum! I showed off my prize yarn, we looked at each other's knitting, and I tried not to steal any of Grete's yarn (I wasn't frisked on the way out). I brought some knitting with me but I didn't get much done because I was too busy eating! LOL! It was a great way to spend the afternoon.
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