On the way home, we stopped in Steveston so that I could visit a tea shop. I was at the used bookstore on Thurs and I saw a Poirot tea package on the cash desk. I asked about it and the clerk said he bought it at Nikaido in Steveston. Normally, I don't buy tea because of the name but this tea is rooibos based and I love rooibos. My favourite rooibos is a Belgian chocolate blend that I buy from the Thread Bear tea shop. Nikaido had several teas that were tempting - rooibos chocolate mint and a rooibos tiramisu (with real chocolate chips!). I only bought the Poirot and I will be drinking it during the Poirow Mystery Quilt next Saturday. That reminds me that I still need to cut out all the fabric for it. Yikes!
On the drive to Ladner, I knit a little swatch using the cotton/acrylic Daiso yarn that I bought on Friday.

It knits up very nicely. It stretches and keeps it shape even after pulling on it. The fabric is dense enough for socks and is actually quite thick. It feels almost as thick as my sportweight socks. I got 8 sts/inch on 2.5mm (US1) dpns.
So after stopping in Steveston, I convinced hubby that I needed to go to Daiso to buy more yarn. Mental note to self: never go to Daiso on a Sunday afternoon. There's no parking (if you make it into the parking building) and it's a zoo inside the store.

There wasn't enough beige or white to make a complete pair of socks so I got 8 skeins of pale yellow (Gladys - 4 are for you if you want to give the yarn a try). I also bought another chopstick case for my dpns.
I got some knitting done yesterday evening. I did a few repeats on my second River Rapids sock while watching "Open Season". We started with "Tristan & Isolde" but after the mass butchering and the chopping off of someone's hand (all within the first 5 minutes or so), I demanded something less gory and violent. Hubby is upstairs watching the rest of the movie without me. He'll have to tell me how it ends.
Rooibos tiramisu sounds devine! Yum!
I love the river rapids sock pattern, and the idea of using a chopstick case for dpn is genius! Thanks for visiting my blog.
Hello! I'm a beginner and I've bought the 100% acrylic yarn from Daiso. I'm planning to stitch a scarf using the garter stitch but I don't know what needle size would be best used for this project. :/
My email address: yukisiong@hotmail.com
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