While I haven't been knitting, I am still capable of buying yarn.

A little STR in
Mustang Sally and 2 skeins of
Louet KidLin Lace in Cranberry.
Yesterday, a gaggle of quilters assembled at my place and we headed out to the Abbotsford quilt show. It was an amazing quilt show and one of my favourites. I'll post a link to my pictures as soon as I've sorted through all 200+.
The highlight of the show was the vintage quilt display from private collections and a local museum. We're talking really, really old quilts. Some were so fragile that they had to be displayed flat on tables. There was also old hand crank and treadle machines for people to try out.
There was a great merchant mall and I bought lots of fabric.

One of the vendors had a "by the pound" sale and it was crazy busy. Just before lunch, I broke down and splurged on something that I'd been eyeing for awhile.

Meet Hippy the hippo. One of the critters from Clover's line of semi-hard cases (the others are a green alligator, purple dolphin, green frog, and yellow koala). I just love this little guy. I can't decide if I should carry my quilting or knitting stuff in it.
After lunch, N & I ditched the slow pokes (kinda funny because N's 20+ years older than them) and went shopping in Abbotsford. We stopped at Woolaroo and I bought some very nice yarn.

On the top/left is
Cascade Heritage - their new superwash sock yarn! It's incredibly soft considering the nylon content. They have handpainted colours as well but I couldn't decide which one to get so I picked a solid. At the bottom/right is a skein of
Estelle Cadenza - a combo of superwash merino and tussah silk! The Cadenza isn't being sold as sock yarn but it's the right weight and very tightly spun. I love the tone on tone colours.
After Woolaroo, we walked along the strip mall and went into Countryfolk Fabrics. N said that she wasn't going to buy anything but ended up with 5m of fabric. Nothing like a good sale to break your resolve. I didn't buy anything because they were sold out of the fabric that I'd bought in March.
We went back to pick up the other 2. N went in to find them and I waited outside. When they came out, N had bought more fabric! LOL! The drive home was a little exciting because some idiot talking on their cell phone tried to mow us down. Good thing I have a loud horn.
I was bushed when I got home. Hubby was passed out on the couch. He has the sniffoos so I made a big pot of soup and tuna melt (with pickles) for supper. We were supposed to go out to see his sister's choir sing but we stayed home and watched Miss Marple movies in bed. I picked up my knitting needles and knit for about 15 mins and my hand feels ok so I'll give it a try again today.