Dear Dotty, you're ever so cute on ice skates.

Though you'd be a little taller if you could get Marcus to take his skates off!

We all went to the
Richmond Oval on Friday night, to try out the Olympic ice. It's going to be the home of the speed skating event at the 2010 Olympics, and it's open to the public to let us try it out.
The kids had a great time, Dotty fell and hit her head, and I sat in the bleachers and knit on my new hat.
I also have an FO to show off. May I present my recently-finished

This was a photo of opportunity — I was walking from my office to the SkyTrain station, and the fog which had been blanketing the city for a week had lifted, to show the blue sky and beautiful mountains. And I had my shawl with me! I'll probably take another one in tomorrow's predicted snow, so that I can actually show off the lace in the shawl.
I'm so envious that you finished your Laminaria! Mine is going so sloooowwwwwllllly. (Might help if I actually spent some quality time with it, huh?) It's beautiful and great shot of it in front of Canada Place.
The shawl is just lovely. (so is the photo)
I love the walkers for the kids learning to skate. Why didn't they have those when I was a kid.
(PS: Dotty, I hope you are ok!)
I know what you mean about taking advantage of the lack of fog for photos! Two Sundays in a row I've been outside with my camera and knitting. Beautiful shawl!
Dotty, I hope you and Ricky are OK!!! Paws crossed.
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