In addition to all the junk, there's a handknit sock (bottom left; and just out of view - a tape measure and a notebook with the gauge written down), 2 ball bands (top left; Patons Classic Merino Wool), and a ball winder (far right). Ack! My craft is taking over the kitchen!
I worked on Sat and I brought home a sample skein of Lamb's Pride Bulky and I made this:

Pattern: my own; link to Ravelry project
Yarn: one skein of Brown Sheep Lamb's Pride Bulky in Prairie Fire
Needles: 7mm
Notes: This is based on the hood that Lara wears in the movie The Golden Compass. If you go to the website, click on Photos under Downloads & Extras. You can see the original hood in the left-most column, 4th from the top. I put it on yesterday night and hubby says I look like Kenny from South Park. Boo hiss!!! The next time I make this, I will make the hood deeper (I stopped because I ran out of yarn) and only do 4 short rows rather than 6.
Anyways, I like it and I'm going to wear it when we go on vacation in two weeks! Yes, hubby has finally booked his vacation days at work and we're busy making reservations for ourselves and the cats. We're going skiing (instead of Hawaii). Actually, let me be more accurate - we're going to places where there's skiing but I'll be in the spa getting a facial or hot rock therapy while hubby throws himself down a steep mountain in the freezing cold. The last time I checked, hubby plans to ski Sun Peaks, Kicking Horse, Lake Louise, and either Panorama or Fernie. We'll stay at a hotel in Sun Peaks, then drive to Calgary and spend a few nights with my family, and then stay in Golden with hubby's parents. From Golden, he'll have access to the other 4 ski areas. I'll be heading home without hubby because I'll be driving my sister's van (long story). I told him he has to be home in time for Valentine's Day and I don't mean 5pm on the 14th!
This morning I went out and bought new gaiters for cross-country skiing. The ones that I currently have are really hard to get into because they're just a tad too small. I also splurged and bought a Gore-Tex jacket. Mine's bright red with a black yoke. My current one isn't very waterproof anymore and out here, you need waterproof.
I've got lots of knitting planned for the next coupla weeks. At least, the hood is done because I need something to keep my ears warm - me and toques don't get along. I also need to whip up 2 sweaters for my nephew dogs, Gadget and Gizmo. I've also pulled out some sportweight sock yarn (Online and Mirasol Chirapa) to make myself a pair socks to wear in my cross-country ski boots. Lots of things to do so I better get crackin'!
Oh man! A vacation!!! I. am. so. jealous.
mmm...the spa part sounds really good! I like your idea of a hood. Toques just give you hat hair. Have a great holiday.
Love the hood. Spa sounds better then skiing to me.
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