- While anxiously waiting for the marketplace to open for students Thurs afternoon, we started singing "99 skeins of yarn on the wall".
- Gladys and I were probably one of the first 10 people to enter the marketplace.
- The rush for Bugga! at the Sanguine Gryphon booth was insane and I was insane for being in the middle of it.
- Meg Swansen admitted to being spanked by Elizabeth Zimmerman. This revelation sent Stephanie into a major fit of the giggles and she disappeared behind the podium for several seconds.
- Aug 9th 2009 was the 99th anniversary of the birth of Elizabeth Zimmerman.
- We sang happy birthday and there was cake.
- After thanking everyone, Tina read out to Stephanie, "Thank each other - or not". They gave each other a bear hug and got a standing ovation.
- Hotels have low flow toilets. You must hold the handle down longer when flushing.
- If a mosquito is trapped in the van with myself and Gladys as the only occupants, it will bite me 5 times in the back of the neck, once near the elbow, and once on my wrist before it is killed. I don't think Gladys got bitten.
- I was right when I predicted that Gladys would be mobbed because of her pooling stole.
- Gladys gave a pooling stole to a friend who wore it everywhere during Sock Summit and she was mobbed, too.
- The trio of stitch pattern books by Maria Erlbacher is being combined into one volume and translated into English by Schoolhouse Press. Twisted-Stitch Knitting should be available in the coming weeks.
- Hubby took it upon himself to freeze the blueberries that I left in the fridge. He did this without consulting me or washing them first. He gets to wash the blueberries when they are thawed.
- My cousin took me to Chipotle and I ordered a chicken burrito and it was awesome! If you're ever near one of these, give it a try.
- I tried some Signature Needle Arts dpns. Oh my. They are the sexiest needles on the planet.
And for the part that a lot of you have been waiting for - what I brought back from Sock Summit:

Sock Summit souveniers

GothSocks (Elegant Gothic Lolita & Barbigoth) and Stranded In Oz Italian sock (col unknown)

My world record knitting. I will be framing this.

Cat mysteries and Moonsinger's Friends for me and Orson Scott Card for hubby.

A black sheep wearing purple socks mug by Jennie the Potter, a 4.5mm (between a size G & H) crochet hook, and underneath is some lovely knitting hens fabric (a gift from my friend, Mel aka Stranded in Oz)

My stack of autographed books

Last but not least, Socks That Rock - ST-2 in med & light on the left. The rest are mill ends - ???, Puck's Mischief, Lover's Leap, and three skeins of ST-2.
Can you tell that I love STR?
I am one drooling fool over here!!! The yarn is awesome!!! Love the mug with the sheep wearing purple socks!! I think it's great that you are framing your world record knitting. Sock Summit souvenirs!! Everything is just so perfect!! It's like you were shopping for me!! Hahahahahaha!! So glad you had such a great time and thanks for sharing your photos and details with us!
Love the Goth socks. Will Ricky be modelling those, too? Thanks for all your reports.
By the way, I never wash the berries before I freeze them. I figure the low temp will kill everything...at least I hope it's true.
Dotty, that yarn, 4th from left, 5th from right is beeuoootiful. I hope you knit that one first. Loved the motto, too.
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