Here are all our samples together:

In Don't Knock Knee Socks, we learned how to measure our legs and we learned about gauge and the different ways to create extra fabric for my *ahem* shapely calves. And we knit a sample with a simple ribbing increase/decrease. I walked away from the class with a bunch of black dots on my right leg. Call it my new sock tattoos.
On Fri and Sat nights, I ditched my sock knitting pals and hung out with my cousin and her family. I hadn't seen her in about 30 years. It was great to catch up.
I met so many people, made new friends, connected with people from home, and got to see people that I only 'talk' to via email/Ravelry/online. I was in awe to be in the same
I was very sad when the Luminary event ended because it marked the end of 4 days of fun, craziness, and socks. I am energized (despite the lack of sleep) and inspired by everything I saw & heard. It was an experience that I will remember and treasure for the rest of my life.
Woodsock: A sock knitting conference first held on Aug 6-9th 2009 in Portland, Oregon. It was billed as "Taking Sock Knitting Almost Too Far". This conference brought together thousands of knitters, instructors, and knitting vendors from all over the globe under one roof. An attempt to set a knitting world record was made (results still to be verified by Guiness officials). Despite the intense concentration of sharp pointy needles, only one needle inflicted injury was reported that required a quick trip to the ER. The area surrounding the Oregon Convention Center was reportedly covered with scraps of yarn and wooly lint while the faint odour of sheep hung in the air.
That about sums up Sock Summit for me. Sock on people, sock on.
What a great photo!! And my, what a lovely shawl you are wearing! hahahahah! Hey, you're short, aren't you!?!?! Hee!
Most excellent final photo there! And now I shall go back and admire your lovely traveling stitches.
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