I wonder if they give you 6 needles because they know that there'll be one dpn that's defective. Humph! Pictures of the mitten to follow after I fix the "fat" thumb.
We are two knitters. We love yarn, knitting with it, and fondling it. We went to Sock Summit!!!!
They will replace your defective needles!!!
I know that's so frustrating, I had it happen with some Lantern Moon needles.
Ya know, I had that happen too! I haven't gotten around to contacting Knit Picks yet...
other than the snag, I liked my harmony needles..
Definitely call them! I had this happen with one of my tips and they sent a replacement set right away. They don't make you send back the defective one either.
You know, I love knit picks, but I've had way more problems with the harmony circs, also, than I do with the nickel. I like the lightness of the wood, but I think I'm pretty much done with them.
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