"You can't get me off this couch" - Phoebe

Ricky didn't even crack an eyeball at me. So I used one of those online things and asked it to give me 3 numbers (Gladys added an extra prize :). After sorting through the comments, the winners are: Nicole, Sharon Rose, and Robin. Congrats to the winners (we'll be contacting each of you shortly) and many thanks to everyone for your stole suggestions.
Lookit - a FO. Sadly, not one on my WIP list but I was under immense peer pressure to knit these.

Pattern: Fiber Trends Felt Clogs; mens large
Yarn: Patons Classic Wool Merino; colour denim marl; 4 skeins
Needles: 9mm circs
Of course, they still need to be felted but I'm going to knit myself a pair and felt both of them at the same time.
At knit nite, Francesca asked if one of us wanted to knit the Bloody Stupid Johnson hat - the just-released Knitty surprise. By the end of the night, no one had volunteered so I did. I love Terry Pratchett so this was a no-brainer. This is what the hat looked like this morning:

It doesn't look like this now. I knit another 40 rows and then I ripped out about 60 rows. When you're working the cable band, it's attached to the ribbed brim at the same time. For every 4 cable rows, 3 brim sts are joined to it. The instructions say knit chart B 3 times but as I was nearing the end of the second repeat, I noticed that I didn't have many brim sts left. I did some math and I seemed to be short 11 brim sts. Wha??? I double checked everything and I was still short. So I checked Knitty for errata. Well, there have been some major changes to the pattern since Wed night. Chart B is a completely new beast. Sigh... I was hoping to finish the hat today.
And I'll leave you with a garden "first" - my snowdrops in the snow. Lemme tell you that this is as rare as a white Christmas.

Updated: I didn't use 6 skeins for hubby's clogs, only 4.
Congrats to the winners (I know Robin too! How funny!)
what lovely knitting and kitties...
Congrats to the winners! I had not seen the Bloody hat...thanks, lol, another wish list knit object!
Yay! I'm a winner! :) I feel so special! So now the *real* question - which stole(s) are you gonna knit?
Yay...I think today's one of those days I should go buy a lottery ticket!!
It's nice to see flowers...my winter jasmine is beginning to bloom.
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