I was unhappy with the pictures I had posted earlier of the Cat Bordhi socks. They were too blurry or I had to use the flash. Here are the two socks together sans flash and for once, the colour of the yarn is pretty accurate:

I still can't get over how they're constructed. I am trying to decide which pair of full-sized socks I want to knit first.

These are the vintage magazines that I purchased at the used bookstore in Hope for 25 cents (!) each.
The magazine in the middle has a great pattern for puppet mittens.

Aren't they absolutely cute? I think I'll be making a few pairs for Christmas gifts.
I haven't knit on the cable scarf since we got back but I got a lot done while we were on the road.

I'm about halfway through the second skein of yarn and the scarf's almost 3ft long. I started with 4 skeins so it'll be nice and long.
We had a really lazy weekend and spent most of it watching DVDs (Eragon, a Miss Marple movie, and Charlotte's Web). I cast on the second Monkey sock for my swap pal on Sat and I was already working on the heel flap yesterday night.

If I keep going at this speed, I'll have them done by the end of the week. But we know that's not gonna happen because I'll get distracted by something...
Speaking of distraction, as a thank you for providing vehicle support for the cyclists, hubby has agreed to be my slave-for-a-day (git yer mind outta da gutter). Originally, the driving part was going to involve a lot of fabric/yarn shopping between stops. However, the route they ended up taking didn't leave many opportunities for shopping. I was quite bummed so hubby's agreed to drive me anywhere I want to go, carry packages for me, render opinions on colour, and generally be a "yes, dear", "looks good, dear" kinda husband. We're going out tomorrow so I need to work on my list today. Keep your eyes peeled for some potential yarn p0rn.
And if you can't tell it's a sunny day based on the above pictures, then this picture of Ricky should be pretty obvious.

He's on a stack of boxes that we put by the sunny window for him to sleep on. And he loves it. In another month, the sun will be on the guest bed and he'll be sleeping there instead.
Ricky looks like he's in heaven!!
I think I'll put Cat's sock book on my Christmas list. Must. Not. Spend. Money.
Have fun shopping!!! Can't wait to see your loot!
yes you must bring home much loot. I offered to be the support bike driver for HT and his family next year on a 2 day bike trip. They just gave me funny looks :(
Love your sockies! :) I'm very taken with Cat's construction, and I've just started on a second pair from the book.
Sounds as though you have a smashing hubby. Mine has yet to set foot in a yarn shop. Mind you, he's never once complained about my buying yarn, and has even been known to actively encourage it, so no complaints from me there!
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