Happy sockiversary to me! I started knitting socks last year in September and I haven't looked back since. I've made lots of socks for myself, for friends/family, I've test knit, and I've done some sample knitting, too. I started knitting plain socks and I'm moving towards patterned socks. I used to knit just for people I know but now I'm knitting for a complete stranger (my Monkey Sock Swap pal). I have a stash the size of... well, we won't go into details in case hubby is reading this. I'll just say that it's big. I feel like I've learned so much from everyone out in blogland/Ravelry/KALs. Thank you! And special recognition goes to my co-blogger/enabler, Gladys. It really is all her fault.
To celebrate (and spread the sock love), I'm holding a contest. The prize will include sock yarn, a sock project bag, and a few other goodies. To enter, leave a comment telling me why you love sock knitting - include your Ravelry id and blog address (if you have one). The contest will close midnight PDT September 30th. I will randomly draw a winner from all entries.
Good luck and happy sock knitting!
WOW!!! that's a lot of socks in only a year.
Wow, lotsa socks!
I'll be honest, I don't *love* sock knitting - yet! I'm working on it, though, and learning more all the time - I've just started a 2 session toe up class and learned figure 8 cast on *beam*
Happy Sockiversary and wish for many, many more!!! What a wonderful anniversary to celebrate! I need to start doing that! What a terrific idea!
And all those socks, just so beautiful.
There are so many reasons why I love knitting socks. SO MANY! Like how there are so many beautiful yarns to choose from. And so many incredible patterns. And their portability. I like that I can try a new technique with socks and not feel overwhelmed like I would with a sweater or a shawl.
Happy sock anniversary! I'm just getting into sock knitting - actually, I've just started swatching for my first pair of sock. It's great that sock projects are so easy to have around all the time, but I'll have to get into the habit of taking them out for a few stitches every time I can... otherwise, I won't even have finished my first pair when I'll celebrate my first sockiversary!
Josiane (kimianak in Ravelry)
Happy Sock Anniversary. I have been knitting socks for about 4 months now. I love it! They are fairly quick to knit and who doesn't need socks?? My sock gifts have all been well recieved.
Melissa724 on Ravelry
Happy Sockiversary! Congratulations on making so much socky goodness. It's been over a year and a half since I got hooked on socks and the addiction is only getting worse. I love the colour and feel of sock yarn in my hands. I love the many patterns available or just making up my own. I love the magic of heels and invisible cast-ons. I love the shape of socks, their portability and how quickly I can produce a finished item. I love the excitement shared with other sockaholics over silly things that others can't understand.
Also, I love blog contests too! I popped over here from Ravelry, where I have found many a contest advertised in the forums.
Sock on!
Ravelry = Miri
Wow.. you've really knit a lot of socks in a year!
Small, portable, easy to hide under the table in meetings :)
Happy 'versary!
I don't knit socks yet. I'm working my way up to it -- bought a pattern book 2 weeks ago, learned the Magic Loop method last week -- I figure by the time your contest is over I'll be ready.
blogger ID is same as Ravelry
Happy sock anniversary :) Thought I would check out your blog after you left the Discworld reference on the monkey sock swap blog! And I stumble onto a contest, what fun.
I started getting into sock because I love how they are nice and small and easy to toss into my bag on the go. I'm fat so a lot of my wardrobe consist of blacks and browns and I've always loved fun colorful socks, it's a joy to knit with all the beautiful sock yarn there is available. Plus, they are just plain fun.
Happy Knitting!
~ Sarah
Ravelry- eatmyoxygen
Happy Sockiversary!
I love sock knitting because it goes by so quick compared to most of my other projects, and it's so portable and easy to whip out and do a couple of rows in dull moments.
I like it because they're quick! Simple as that.
Happy Sockiversary!
I love knitting socks because: (1) the beautiful yarns, (2) the joy of constructing something that fits my foot exactly, (3)portability, and(4) the many different patterns.
I haven't learned how to knit yet, but I have been crocheting for years and have recently embarked on my first pair of socks. (*ducks rotten tomatoes and ignores cries of "Go home, crocheter!"*) I love fine gauge yarns, the way the tiny stitches nest together into a 3D object, and the nubby texture of the stitches. I like spending the time to make something luxurious for myself, because where else am I going to find wool socks that are warm and lacy? I also like the idea that crocheted socks are unexpected, because most people who think of crochet think of rigid fabric or granny-square afghans.
(catchingstars on ravelry)
Once you've tried sock knitting how can you not love it?! Socks are the perfect small project to try out new techniques; I started learning stranded colour work with socks. Hand made socks are one of the most wonderful and comforting things to wear. I could knit only socks for the rest of my life and never get bored. My Ravelry id is SpinningJenny, and I've been knitting socks since just after Christmas.
wow! Congrats on the anniversary! I actually learned to knit specifically for socks because I just cannot get past all the gorgeous sock yarns we have around the 'net! I am hoping to knit some for my hubby in Iraq, although those have to be boring black *poo*
(ChristinaKnits on Ravelry)
I must say, the main thing I love about sock knitting is the portability-- I can have a sock on hand at all times to work on, since they're small enough to fit in my purse. Also the fact that they're small projects that let you try out new techniques with a minimum of commitment, but portability is the main thing.
Congrats! That's a good output for your first year knitting socks!
Caitlin (Caitlism on Ravelry)
Congratulations!!!! I have never knitted socks, nor crocheted a pair. I have been drooling all over the place to try my hand at a pair, crocheted. I can barely cast on right now. I would love to be able to make socks for my husband in a fabric that he doesn't have allergic reactions to.
Happy Sockiversary!
I think the no.1 reason I like knitting socks is that I can make socks in wild colors and patterns that I couldn't wear on other parts of my body. The second reason is that I can tote them around almost anywhere.
Happy sockiversary! I wish I'd thought to celebrate mine this way!
I think, besides being portable and having spawned so many amazing dye artists and the sense of achievement you get at the end when they're on your feet, the reason why I love sock knitting is because it's got such great mileage. One little skein will give you hours and hours of knitting pleasure and few other projects work like that.
Plus, it's a great way to perfect new techniques, like stranding or entrelac or lace, without the stress of a major undertaking. Everything seems easier with socks!
I'm on Ravelry too, under erqsome.
I don't exactly know why I love sock knitting so much. But I definitely keep doing it. Maybe the practicality appeals to me, I'm filling my free minutes and keeping my hands busy with knitting, and the end product is completely practical.
Beautiful socks!
Tracy (Tracy826 on ravelry.)
I'm an obsessed sock knitter, too. At last count, I had roughly 50 pairs of socks that I've knit for MYSELF... that's not counting my CIC knitting, hubby's socks, or other gift socks. I'm STILL putting them into ravelry! I'll never catch up!
Why I love to knit socks: Well, like you: it's easy to buy the right amount of sock yarn in any store, it's portable, and they are fun. It's also really great to experiment with design ideas on a small scale.
My ravelry ID is anastaciaknits; I do have a blog, but since ravelry I no longer update it. It's anastaciaknits.blogspot.com
Happy Sockiversary!
Once I started knitting socks, it quickly became my project of choice. Primarily because I was working fulltime and attending grad school in the evenings, so I needed something small to help me unwind in whatever free time I had. And I love dyeing, so that added to the fun.
But the reason I adore socks so much is that I found that knitting socks is an expression of love for family/friends that somehow doesn't translate with hats/scarves. Even when I am having a bad day... my brightly colored handknit socks never fail to lift my spirits.
Socks are love.
Ravelry ID is Kaylee, too :)
Happy sockiversary!! How can one resist the variety and colors of sock yarns? They make for quick satisfaction projects...that is I finish the 2nd sock.
Ravelry: jench1n (still woefully blank/empty)
Wow, that's an impressive array of socks.
I like knitting socks for several reasons. The first is that I'm a college student on a serious budget, and only spending $7-15 on a project means I can knit a pair every month without guilt. Another reason is that I love wild colors, but when it comes to my wardrobe, everything is either black, grey, or green. Socks add some variety, especially ones with variegated yarn.
-cthulhulovesme on Ravelry.
Happy Sockiversary! And what an amazing array of socks! You are quite talented!
I love sock knitting for its portability, frugality, useability, gift-ability, zen potential - there are too many reasons. Socks knitting is just the most wonderful thing to do.
I hope you have many more Sockiversaries to come!
Liberty (ravelry:nourgihan)
Happy Sockiversary! I love sock knitting because it gives me a chance to use all those crazy colored yarns I wouldn't normally wear.
Helena (midnightpurls on ravelry)
Don't ya just LOVE those socks?! I'm totally addicted to knitting socks. There are several reasons. First and foremost, socks are a very portable knitting project. This is important because a lot of my knitting time happens when I'm not at home -- at bowling league, waiting for various appointments, at the State Fair, you name it.
Second, socks are fairly quick projects. My short attention span likes that I can see progress right away and before I know it, I have a sock completed.
Third, sock yarn is easy to add to the stash. I don't have to worry about having enough of one color/dye lot to finish a pair of socks. If I see some yarn I like, I buy it for the stash and know that it CAN be used to make a complete pair of socks. Not so with other yarns since yardage requirements for garments vary widely. Impulse yarn buys work great for socks!
I'm sure there are more reasons, but those are my top three for loving socks.
Congrats on your sockiverssary!
Cindy (Maxfun on Ravelry)
Happy Anniversary! I can't really say I love knitting socks - but I do love knitting sock - yep 2nd sock sydrome here. Right now I am making baby socks though - and I am getting sets of them done - not just one before moving on to a new pattern, new yarn etc.!
wow! so many socks! these are great!
I love all yarn--but I love sock yarns because they have the potential of becoming socks---and I love the yummy colors you can buy them in now.
(on ravelry I'm "alaskawhitefox")
Congrats!!! I'm ChaoticChris on Ravelry.
I love sock knitting because it's portable. It's soothing. It's easier to fit socks than to fit larger garments. The yarns are lovely and you won't go broke buying yarn for a pair of socks.
I'll mention this Thursday!
I'm Knit4many at Ravelry I chose that name because I have a good size family(husband and five kids)and love to knit for them and friends and family. So beside the obvious reason for loving to knit socks. I love that my kids get excited about knitted socks, always wanting to claim which ever ones I have on the needles.I love that they will ask for a pair of socks for theirs birthday and have already chosen the ones they would like for Christmas.I love that my 17 daughter this spring was so excited about her wool socks that she wore them in seventy-four degree weather( at a track meet) because she love the yarn and color and that I actually made them for her.Even though I told her they might be to warm to wear that day. Happy Sockiversary!
Well happy anniversary!
Portable. Bottom line for me. Whether its taking the boys to the park, chasing them outside, and I can usually set it down mid row to go break up a fight!
I love sock knitting because it scared me for years, and now that I've begun to learn, I am charmed by the process as well as the results. It also makes me feel a link to generations of women, knitting socks for loved ones -
teabird on Ravelry
Ooh, I love socks because I have a toddler, and if I ever want to have a FO I need to knit something small. And I really dig only having 2 ends to weave in.
Plus there are so many great patterns out there and just beautiful yarns.
(Found you via the Rav. User Id tattva1knits)
Fantastic first year!
Here's to many more.
Happy Sockiversary! I love knitting socks because they are easy to carry around as a small project and easy to knit on in public without too many folks getting distracted or overly interested. You can't do that with a sweater! I also adore my size 2 Sox Stix double points so any opportunity to use them is fun.
Ravelry - yogurtandgranola
Socks are addictive, aren't they?
I love socks because you can do a lot in a small space -- it's creative without being a months-long commitment (well, not usually), and they're COOL! Especially turning the heel, which still is like magic!
And, as lots of people say, they're portable and easy to knit on the go.
Thanks for having the contest!
I just love sock knitting because it is small and portable. Even if I have a more complicated pattern to knit that I keep at home I can have a simple stockinette sock going to have with me at all time. Also, my feet lots of warm wool socks to wear!
I love socks because they are fast enough that I don't get bored and I love variegated yarn but knitting it ina sweater is not that lovely so sox are perfect.
Ravelry: pigbook1
Blog: pigbook1.blogspot.com
Wow! Just a year under your belt, and fabulous results! My first sock year was sporatic... and the results not as fabulous as yours. Like you, I absolutely love knitting socks- but I have a polygamous streak. (I've been knitting socks for about 3 years.)
Why is it great? #1 reason: It's all about fabulous yarn!!! Sock yarn is an addiction in itself. Wollmeise has taken my heart lately.
What else? The ability to play/alter/change/update/create design is fun! I love the portability of the project-- the small size, and the time involved. They fit great, and feel better than any store-bought socks. The best part? I wear crazy socks on Fridays, and my co-workers now call it "Happy Sock Day"! :)
People are always strangely facinated with sock knitting on the bus.
Back to the polygamous sock knitting issue-- I have a problem. Often I can't 'commit' to a sock pair. I'll knit one sock, then abandon the other for a few months. Perhaps I should join the "Single Sock Liberation Movement". The problem is soo bad, that I've had a "Sock Drawer of Shame" for a while now! Click if you must: http://kitchencotton.blogspot.com/2007/06/sock-drawer-of-shame.html
Knit your socks off,
Here's another vote for portability. Minimal finishing is another plus for sock knitting. And they can be knitted as elaborately or as simply as you want.
I love socks because there are so many different ways you can do them, I'm always finding new patterns, they're decently quick knits, they're portable and practical!
Jason @ knitswithballs.blogspot.com
What a great idea to have a 'sockiversary' and show all your socks for the year! And what great socks!
I must confess, I used to not love sock-knitting -- in fact, I loathed it! I think that 'second sock syndrome' nearly did me in (though I never had the same issue with mittens). One day, however, I discovered the Magic Loop method, which, combined with a toe-up pattern, meant I could knit *both socks at the same time*. It was a revelation!
Since then, I've become a hard-core sock-knitter. Second-socks on dpns don't even phase me now! I think what I love most about socks is that they are smaller projects (more affordable, yarn-wise) with an infinite variety of pattern choices: top-down or toe-up, gusset or short-row heels, ribbing or picot edges, cables/lace/slipped-stitch embellishments, so very many options! and you get the satisfaction of a beautiful finished project relatively quickly. I don't think I'll ever be bored of knitting socks!
I love sock knitting, because hand-knit socks are the best for my feet! I just love the comfiness. Plus the beautiful yarns, and portability. And I confess, I also like the uniqueness of having unusual socks.
Ravelry: Pandantics
Blog: http://needledbear.blogspot.com
It's the yarn, especially the handpaints. Seriously, how many of us would be caught dead in a sweater that had all the zany stripes, and color combos in most sock yarns, but on our feet? Oh yeah!
Happy sockiversary. I love socks for so many reasons --
* they are portable
* they give me a chance to try new techniques
* if they don't fit right, I'll know pretty quickly and can rip and restart
* the yarn is much cheaper than buying sweater yarn, even for good stuff
* so many good patterns
* so many good yarns
My Rav ID is aswiminknits
Blog is aswiminknits.blogspot.com
congrats on all the socks. Thats why I knit too. To learn more and pick up new skills. I just finished my first Monkey socks and have started on some Jitter bugs. I think i'm hooked.
It's nice to have a small yet tricky project to work on. You learn and almost get instant gratification.
Socks are good for a mom of two boys who seems to spend a lot of time waiting. I can practice things like lace or cables on a small scale and I knit with 2 circulars because dpns kept poking me through my bag and stabbing me in the side! But I love my socks. It's always fun to take them out in public and watch people just goggle about the fact that not only are you knitting a sock, you're brave enough to do a heel gusset! What is it with people and heel gussets? I'm not hip enough to be on raverlry, just a blog.
I love sock knitting because it is so portable....I can take a basic sock and knit most anywhere!! It is very satisfying to knit socks and I can't bring myself to knit anything BUT socks these days!
Thanks for such a great contest!!!!
Great job on all the socks!
I love sock knitting because I love the socks. I find wool handknit socks so much more comfortable than purchased socks that once I learned how to knit them my goal was to make enough pairs so I wouldn't have to wear store bought socks except for excercising. They also make gifts that people love to use. And all the patterns and gorgeous yarns are fun...
Happy Sockiversary! I love that socks are such a portable project...also that they don't take gobs of time to knit! Plus there are so many gorgeous sock yarns out there- nice that you can get enough yarn to make a pair without breaking the bank.
So many socks! Good to see sock fever has hit you hard!
Why do I love socks? Let me count the ways...portable, quick, good place to learn new things before you get started on a bigger project, don't use up much yarn so you can buy lots more (or lots more expensive!) of it, and most of all cause when i wear handknit socks I feel so smug about my comfy, glamourous, toasty socks!
that is a whole lot of socks! my favorite thing about knitting socks is the yarn - it's fun to use much crazier yarn than i would get to use for a sweater.
(owlandacorn on ravelry)
Congrats on your sockiversary! :) I started knitting in October last year, and made my first pair of socks the following month, so I'm not far behind you.
I love knitting socks because:
1. I can try out loads of different pattern stitches without having to knit a huge garment.
2. It doesn't take much yarn to knit a pair, so I don't feel guilty about buying it. And we all know sock yarn doesn't count as stash anyway!
3. Now I can knit socks, I never have to wear nasty shop-boughts again!
Happy Sockiversary! I love sock knitting because it's portable, there are so many fun patterns, and sock yarn is just delicious! So many pretty colors!
I just love seeing the sock appear on the needles - all the short rows, picked-up stitches, and decreases magically form a sock! That, and I love trying on a newly finished pair for the first time.
ravelryid: pensivefrog
I love knitting socks because I can carry them around and get a little bit done all the time. My blog is knittingunderway.blogspot.com.
What a colorful collection of socks you have there.
I love knitting socks because they are so portable. The only problem is once you make a pair for someone they want more. As luck would have it I don't mind making more.
Ravelry id:
Happy sockiversary! I love knitting socks. A small portable project that once the basic concepts are understood I don't need a pattern for. What's not to love.
I love sock knitting because it keeps my feet warm and my mind busy.
My ravelry id is "earnknittoownit"
Happy sockaversary to you too! I also learned to knit socks last sept, and like you I have also knit many but am just venturing into patterned socks, lol, the monkey sock is also the pattern i am currently knitting (love it but it almost seems so big compared to my usual socks! (I thought it was so funny we both learned the same time and chose the same first pattern) Do you use DPN's or 2 circ's to knit? I love the portability of socks, how you can see it form right before your eyes, I even take a sock in the works with me when we hike or backpack. Hubby says i am more than likely the only person to sit and knit on the mtn tops we have been to, lol, he's prob right! Knit on!!
Congratulations! As a lover of sock knitting, I'm happy to see such pretty socks. Socks are great to knit because you can try lots of different yarns without a lot of money invested, learn new patterns on a small scale, and have an always portable project. My Ravelry id is janeasc. Be sure to stop by my blog in the next week or so to enter my annual Show Me Your Socks contest.
Happy Sockiversary! Since I discovered socks at the start of 2006 I haven't looked back.
I love them because they're relatively quick to knit, they only require a skein or two of yarn and the variety's endless. Mostly I like them because they're something I actually wear.
I'm "ozknitter" on Ravelry too.
When I started I wasn't sold on socks,they seemed fussy and hard, but it has become a friend to me and I seem to always have one going. And it's cheaper to buy sock yarn than yarn for a adult sweater.
Happy Sockiversary!
Mine is in November. I love making something unique. I love the way they look on my little girls feet. The different yarns, colors, etc.
Happy Sockiversary!
I love sock knitting for a couple of reasons, a)they fit in my purse, so they make great on the go knitting b)the yarn is so BEAUTIFUL and lastly c)they feel so great.
Happy Sockiversary! Honestly I haven't knit a pair of socks yet, but I am going to knit a pair for my mom for Christmas! Your socks look great! I found your site via Ravelry (my ID is GraceIvy).
I love the yarns involved. I'm a sucker for variegated and/or hand-dyed yarn.
Socks are also a great way to learn a new technique/stitch on a small scale.
My Ravelry ID: 5elementknitr
My blog: 5elementknitr.blogspot.com
Happy Sockiversary! :)
I love sock knitting because they're small, portable, fun, and something I will actually use.
On Ravelry, I'm: Stacy
Blog: http://www.flyinneedles.sands-edge.com/blog
Happy Sockiversary to you!
What I love about socks the most has already been said several times here, but I'ma gonna say it anyway:
I love that I can just go crazy on the colors! No one but you knows that underneath your black and very professional pants suit you're wearing your brightest, sunshine-iest "cantaloupe" colored socks!
Happy Sockiversary! :)
Hmm... why I love sock knitting? *thinks*
S - Super portable!
O - Only requires 1 skein (usually)!
C - Cute yarns!
K - Knitting!
Wow, you are a quicker-sock-knitter than I! Well,....almost everyone is! Congrats on your sockiversary!!
I love socks because I love small, portable projects that I have some hope of finishing some day, and I love that I can buy so many colorful and soft different yarns to try for each pair! I love to make really colorful socks, since my clothes are usually more plain.
I'm just hoping that some day I can get a little faster at it!
My ravelry name is 3minions
Moirae Knitting
Ravelry Name: Moirae
I do love sock knitting. Mainly because I can test out a new stitch pattern in a nice compact space and because it feeds my love of color.
I just love knitting socks, I ALWAYS have a sock partially knitted in the bottom of my bag. Wherever I go I know that I will always have something interesting to do . I knit at traffic lights, waiting in the queue to get into car parks, just waiting in general ,and oh ! the best , in doctors or hospital waiting rooms , the look on the other patients faces , when you whip off your shoe and try your half knitted sock on is something to behold , can you imagine whipping off your sweater to try a half knitted one on ? NO , so that is why the sock gets my vote every time .
I am a sock-knitting lover! Not only is it amazing that you can take socks anywhere to knit, but you (or at least I) can cast on as many different pairs as I want, guilt free. They don't get added to the dreadful "WIP" number, so I can have one pair started in my purse, one for watching TV, one for at work. MMm... socks
PS. Happy sockiversary!
I like knitting socks because when I first started it was what made me feel like a "real" knitter. I became much more willing to take on a challenge.
Ravelry ID - cbknits80
I LOVE sock knitting. It is portable and you get to try out many different patterns without having to commit to a whole garmet. You can go crazy with colors that you might not where elsewhere. They are pretty quick when you need a FO fix. And they're something I actually use a lot. I'm redheadskydiver on Ravelry too by the way.
One year down, many more to go...
They're great meeting knitting. It's easy to figure out how much yarn you need. They don't make me look fat. They don't need to match my clothes. They're great Christmas presents. I love the yarn made for them. (That's probably the biggest reason!)
Congrats on the sockiversary! These answers are great!
I love sock knitting because you can do it even if it's hot out, you can knit 100 pairs and each one can be different, and you can make them fit your foot exactly, unlike store bought socks that supposedly fit sizes 4-10. (how?)
Ravelry: starathena
blog: Keep on Knitting in the Free World.
ps - kel - your answer is really cute!
Pretty socks. The first pair I ever knit were this time last year for Tattoo Boyfriend. Well, I started them in the summer, but whatever.
I just finished another pair for him - they are over on the blog. He loves that I knit for him and yesterday he complained that he didn't have the new socks yet since all his socks were dirty and he needed to wear some.
I love sock knitting because, well, I don't know that I can fully explain it. Its fun. Its usually fast. It is gratifying. I love that I can customize heels, toes, cuffs, patterns, sizes in a plug and go fashion. I also recently won a sock design prize (3rd place, but YAY for me!!!!). I think socks are manageable to take with me places and that is part of the appeal, though I am pretty sure that Tattoo Boyfriend wishes I wouldn't take them quite so many places.
I love sock knitting. Lovelovelove. Possibly a little *too much*.
I loooove the yarns, and working with the yarns, and buying more yarns (as evidenced by my insane sock yarn stash).
And I love the finished socks. I love that they fit; I love that *I* made them. Myself. Without any of that corporate crap getting in the way and telling me I Must Love Elastic In The Style They Choose For Me. It sticks it to the Man, so to speak.
Thousands of little stitches, and they go pretty quickly, so they're a great pick-me-up project. And they're a great blank canvas for all the patterns I want to do in something larger, but have no patience for. (Or the skill to upsize sweaters for the massive chest I was gifted with by genetics.)
So maybe I *do* love sock knitting just a little too much.
I love sock knitting because it's a small enough project to carry around, and because the finished product is so useful.
happy sockiversary! I haven't gotten to mine yet as I'm sock-obsessed-since-2007 ... but I love that they're small, with lots of interesting variation ... and you can splurge on the yarn without spending (as much of) a fortune as with a sweater or other large garment. On a teacher's budget, that's key. My Ravelry id is just Anne (I froze at a crucial moment, I guess...)
Happy sockiversary!
I love knitting socks because they go so fast and it makes me feel like I am accomplishing more. I also feel lucky when I'm wearing socks I made myself. Plus all that hand dyed sock yarn is so beautiful.
-Gretchen (brownbear on ravelry)
I'm planning on diving into sock knitting for the first time this fall. What appeals to me about it is the promise of well-fitting socks. When I wear store-bought socks, the fit is so hit and miss that I'd love to have a drawer of socks that fit.
And the yarn comes in such scrumptuous colors. I love things that are stripey, but horizontal stripes on a sweater are unflattering. Horzintal stripes on socks is cute!
I just realized I didn't write down my ravelry id and my blog address.
Ravelry ID is KnittinginPink
Blog: http://knittinginpink.blogspirit.com
I finished my first pair of socks with Blue Moon Fiber Arts socks that Rock. I like socks because it's a portable project and challenging to work on the double pointed small needles. My ravelry name is smiledr710 and my blog is Walden Knits.
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