Pattern: Wyvern socks by Marnie MacLean
Yarn: some vintage stuff called Schaffhauser Wolle Soiree (wool/silk/nylon); originally yellow and dyed with lime Kool Aid
Needles: 2.25mm dpns
Mods: I increased 8 sts after the heel turn because I couldn't pull them on. The yarn doesn't have much stretch (due to the silk?).
Notes: 29th pair of finished socks; otn since Nov 2006 - it feels so good to get these finally done!
And here's Ricky providing some quality control.

They passed the Ricky sniff test.
So that makes 4 FOs for 2008 and only
What's this then?

I did cast on for a new project. A quilting friend is eagerly anticipating the arrival of her first grandbaby and she commissioned me to knit some baby items. I started the Pea Pod baby set by Kate Gilbert yesterday night. I'm even using some yarn from my stash! As you can see, the sleeves are done (sleeve #1 was my gauge swatch) and I've started the body. The instructions for the ribbed border is poorly written. I had to go look at a few finished pictures before I could figure out what was going on. And I think there's a few errors for the size that I'm knitting. I wouldn't recommend this project for a newbie knitter.
So why am blogging on a Wed night when I should clearly be at knit nite? I hurt my back and it's really ache-y. And the quilting ladies are meeting at my house tomorrow morning so all the cleaning that I've been meaning to do when my back got better is being done tonite. Ugh!
PS. Gladys blogged again! Those scarves look great - A's got some lucky pre-school teachers!
You're killing me here!!! You and all your FOs!!! And socks to boot! (Ha! Socks to Boot! Ha!)
Sorry about your back. I really hope it is better soon!
Sorry about the back pain. Hope you're on the mend quickly.
Love those socks! Kool-Aid gives some really vibrant colours, and lime just happens to be my fave. :)
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