On the coffee table were several single skeins of yarn that I pulled out of my stash with the hopes of making something quick. One of them caught my eye while I was cleaning up. I bought a new, larger teapot during my Boxing Day shopping and a single skein of yarn is perfect for a tea cozy!

Pattern: Autumn Tea Cozy
Yarn: Patons Classic Merino Wool in Harvest and Leaf Green (yarn from the Irish Hiking Scarf that I frog'd)
Needles: 4.5mm addi circs and dpns
Mods: Cast on 100 sts because the teapot is huge and I used smaller needles than the pattern suggests. A few other changes to accomodate the spout and handle.
I have some leftover yarn so I'm knitting a felted pot holder to match. And I have the urge to knit my other teapot a cozy. Maybe an elephant one like this.
Our broken laptop is finally being resurrected. Hubby went out yesterday morning and came back with a new hard drive, a shiny blue thing, and a huge hard drive (500GB!) that goes into the shiny blue thing. He also ordered a new laptop battery but that's a special order item so I'll probably need to pick it up next week. Hubby spent most of yesterday installing the OS, patches, and Norton. He still needs to get the wireless stuff working and then it's my turn. I get to install the rest of the software and load all the files onto it. I installed the new hard drive into the shiny blue thing (proper name is external hard drive enclosure) and formatted it (took 2 hours). It will be used for backups which is my other computer task for this week.
Today, we got up early and headed out to a farmers market. It's not exactly farmers market season but this one moves indoors at this time of year. It was our first time and we bought quite a bit of stuff - lots of bread and baked goods, russian blue potatoes (they're purple inside!), and yarn! Yummy Yarn was there and I bought a skein of Ianto.

While I was photographing my new yarn, the lighting in the room where Ricky was sleeping was just right to take some pictures of him. Ricky is a cat version of a human redhead - orangey fur, blue-grey eyes, and freckles. It is so hard to take pictures of his lovely eyes and out of the bajillion Ricky pictures that I've taken, I don't have one of his freckle (yes, he only has one that I know of). But I was lucky today and I got pictures of both.

He is one handsome kitty cat!
Oooh, he is a handsome kitty! Love your teapot cozy!
I love it when a blog mixes knitting pictures with cat pictures. So many knitblogs also have cat pictures. Are a disproportionate number of knitters also cat lovers? Or do a lot of other blogs also have cat pictures? What's the connection? These are the questions that keep me up at night. Oh well. Until someone performs a good statistical analysis and gives me the answers, I'll just enjoy all the lovely pictures of hair -- either spun and dyed, or still growing on the animal.
Seriously, though -- the knitblogs feature no dog pictures, not that I've seen. What's up with that?
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