And my mantra for the year is "frog or finish". I'm either going to frog an existing project or I'm going to finish it. Seriously, I'm running out of knitting needles. There are some lovely things in progress that should really see the light of day. I hope to dig out all my WIPs after we de-Christmas this weekend.
Speaking of finishing things... I was at my co-blogger's for New Year's Eve and I started the second purple Trekking sock while waiting to ring in the new year. I got to work on it a little more while we were at my parents' house for dinner yesterday night (I blame the sock for my mahjong losing streak; hubby kicked ass). It's just past the heel and maybe I'll finish it before next Wed so that I can wear it with my clear clogs to knit nite.
Juno Regina is taking a wee break.

I've used about 30g (out of 100g) of yarn. It's just over 24" so I think that even with less yardage and using smaller needles, I'll end up with something pretty big.
There has been no knitting today. Our dining room is in the middle of a big purge. I have emptied and dismantled a kitchen island that really was too big and ugly for the dining room. It ended up being a repository for all sorts of junk. So the junk is being sorted into keep, recycle, and garbage. We will move the nice china cabinet (currently in the alcove beside another storage unit) to where the island used to be and a new unit will replace the china cabinet. To hide all the stuff in the alcove, I am proposing a curtain (hubby wants red velvet which I think will be a giant cat hair magnet). Right now, there is china and crystal all over the house - in the guest bedroom, all over the kitchen counter/stove, under the dining table... I am hoping to assemble the new storage unit before hubby gets home from work. He'll help me move the furniture around and then I want to get all the breakables back into the china cabinet before a cat (or human) knocks something over.
1 comment:
In preparation for the new year (and my next blog post) I pulled out all my UFOs and either frogged them or put them in the must finish soon pile. Next week I'll tackle my kitchen and work on cleaning out my pantry and cabinets. It makes me tired just thinking about it!
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