I am staying home with my Star Trek Enterprise DVD and my Noro Kureyon sock.

The heel flap is done and I'm ready for the heel turn. Isn't it purty?
I've been working on other things. I seamed up a baby blanket that our knitting group has been working on for Melissa. It's really cute. And I was working on Anna's wedding present yesterday. I don't feel good about it - I really don't know what I'm doing...
I was at Lee Valley to pick up some garden tubs (tired of hubby stealing mine). And since the fabric store is across the street... Well, some pretty fabric came home with me.

I was particularly attracted to some large scale vintage florals. I don't know what I'll use these for. They're just pretty to look at :)
Tony decided not to go riding because it was going to be pretty dangerous on his slick tires.
Those are gorgeous fabrics! I need to learn how to sew one of these years. (And spin, and weave and ... )
I went into a quilting store this week. Fortunately I had The Squid with me so I wasn't able to stay long or buy anything!
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