Yesterday was a glorious 20C (70F) and sunny all day. We were out in the garden first thing in the morning and we didn't come inside until after 5pm. The lawn was cut & edged, dandelions were pulled, lime and moss killer was applied, and flower beds were weeded. It's a lot of work because we have such a large property. I still have lots of stuff to do - seed & top dress & fertilize the lawn, prune back numerous shrubs, and plant my summer bulbs. Hubby didn't think to put on sunscreen so he has lobster neck. I, on the other hand don't look the slightest bit pink.
I found this little guy/girl on our fence:

It's about the size of a quarter and was clearly enjoying the warmth. Today is just as nice but my muscles hurt and hubby has gone for a bike ride so I'm going to be lazy and eat strawberries all afternoon.
There hasn't been much knitting in the last few days. I've been spending a lot of time working on other stuff. Much progress was made on the secret wedding present for my bf. I did a little crafting for my Monkey swap pal - a set of stitch markers, a catnip toy for her kitty, and a small project bag to hold her sock knitting. I could've gotten a lot more done if Phoebe wasn't lying right on the part I needed to work on (unfinished binding on the left, finished binding on the right). Don't worry - she's not lying on a needle. I'm very careful to pull the needle out and store it safely in my sewing kit before I put the quilt down.

When I tried to pull the quilt out, she hissed at me. She's definitely got tortitude!
I won't be making progress on anything next week. My sister and both nieces are coming out to visit. I found out Fri night and they'll be here this evening and staying at my parents' for the whole week. My parents don't know about the impending
1 comment:
I celebrated spring by cutting up a pineapple. This one is right at it's peak. So sweet and juicy and I'll eat it until my mouth breaks out in citric sores!
Enjoy your family's visit!
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