And it was Canada's birthday on July 1st. It's the last day of the jazz festival and there are free concerts all day at 4 venues on Granville Island. We go there every year - load up on baked goodies from the french bakery & Terra breads, buy a bag of Okanagan cherries, and park ourselves on the grass and listen to some great jazz and pig out. My bf joined us so that was an extra special treat.

Yes, I was KIPing at the concert. That's Jangophilia on stage and my blurry Lovely Lace Shrug in the foreground. I'm using allhemp6 and I'll be wearing this shrug to my bf's wedding.
And my little quilting group surprised me with a birthday cake and prezzies.

Notice the little duck candles? We call ourselves QHuackers (long story) so we're attracted to everything ducky.
And speaking of prezzies, I'm getting some STR! Gladys (my alleged co-blogger) gave me a gc to Blue Moon. At the top of my list is Korppi and Lucy but I'm still thinking about it. And my sister is buying me some STR, too.
I went fabric shopping again (with my birthday money). They were having a sale on patterns and I broke down and bought another Amy Butler pattern - the Sophia carry-all. I think I'll heavily modify the pattern to suit my tastes/skills - i.e. no piping. I am going to make this bag with quilted fabric and skip the interfacing for the side panels. Hopefully, the bag will be sturdy enough.
Happy 4th of July to all my American friends. Have a great weekend!
Happy Birthday!! I love the ducky candles!
Many , many happy returns. Hope you have a wonderful week end . Love the new bag sans piping !!
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