It's Baywood Yarns superwash sport, in the Harvest colour. I love it, and now I just have to figure out what to make with it. It's 250 yards, so I could get a pair of socks out of it. Or maybe a scarf? Socks is an easy answer, of course, and they'd be so nice as a pair of thick winter socks. Hmm ...
And while I'm talking about podcasts, I should talk about the ones I'm listening to. I've just discovered Knitters Uncensored, out of Germany. If you like Lime & Violet, you'll like these guys just as much. They're vulgar and hilarious, and made for a nice break on my morning commute. Not a lot of talking about knitting, but plenty of funny conversation. Plus I learned how to pronounce "Regia" properly.
Other podcasts on my ipod ... Cast On, of course — doesn't everyone listen to her? And I'm addicted to Australian accents, thanks to my wonderful Aussie cousins, so I'm also listening to Sticks and String and the Changelings Knit and Stitch podcast.
There are a few other podcasts that I'm trying out — can you tell that I've got a long commute? I'll report on them in a future post.
And in the meantime, I've got another BSJ off the needles, and another one started! Photos follow.
How does the Cara Mia feel? I was at Dressew on Sat and I didn't buy any. I didn't buy any yarn or fabric!
Those jackets are so cute!!! You need to make one for yourself.
That sweater is cute! I think you could get a pair of socks with the yarn, but I'd knit toe-up and weigh as I go just to be sure...
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