I've completed about 2 and a half repeats of the lace pattern. I've got the pattern memorized but it doesn't make the knitting go any faster. I am very pleased with the look of the lace in the silk. My stitches look horribly uneven but a good wash and block will fix it.
Monkey socks seem to have my attention at the moment.

After much deliberation (and hauling out all my yarn choices), I chose the Sweetgeorgia in Blue Steel. It's been sitting on the coffee table taunting me for the last few months while I've knit with other sock yarn.
I am rethinking this whole "24 socks" project for the TDF KAL. I kinda forgot that I'm going camping for a week plus I have a list of chores to do before I leave. Rats...
Happy Canada Day long weekend! I will be praying for sun so that I don't get soaked listening to free jazz on Sunday. I'll be gobbling chocolate filled croissants, munching on cherries, and KIPing. Plus my gift knitting gets gifted so I get to post about it Monday/soon (depends on whether she opens her gift right away or waits until her actual birthday).
Your weekend sounds like so much fun and that sock yarn is gorgeous!!
Wow , what a fabulous week end you have planned, have you tried to knit the monkey socks toe up ? the pattern looks just as great the other way round . Oh, and just as an after thought ...... the nightie looks wonderful !!!!!!!!!
Have a great week end and I hope that the sun shines for you
maybe you can do a 24-sock challenge but pro-rate it to the number of days you have available to knit?!
Or, that nightie is tres belle, and quite easily imagined as a French style garment!
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