From left to right, top to bottom:
Bonita Shirt from IK Summer 2006 - stalled when the weather got too cold; also requires a lot of math because 43" is too small and 48.25" is too big; I'm making it 46"
neck warmer - stalled when the weather got too warm
Wyvern sock - dunno why it's stalled; oh yeah, I'm busy with the CDM sock
Irish Hiking Scarf - not my colour and didn't need it as a 2006 Christmas present after all
Odessa hat by Grumperina - was inspired by Caroline's and then decided it wouldn't look good on me; should be frogged
feather and fan shawl - out of some handspun that I picked up at the thrift store
spiral tube sox - discovered short row heels so never finished the second sock; should be frogged
russian booties - despite casting on way more stitches than the pattern instructions, it still ended up too small. I've only got the one skein and I've used exactly half for the first bootie. These fit my Mom so I'll eventually make the second one.
modified Birch shawl - I am really close to being done. I guess I fell out of love with it
Icarus shawl from IK Summer 2006 - love the shawl, love the yarn, dunno what happened
garter stitch scarf - again, didn't need it as a 2006 Christmas present
Not shown: afghan (too big to photograph), Arwen (too lazy to dig it out for the photograph), and Canal Du Midi sock (see picture below).
I think the project that I want to finish first is the Bonita shirt. I am up to the armholes which is about halfway mark. It would be nice to get it finished and wearable by summer. My only concern is running out of yarn. It's vintage stuff from the thrift store so I can't get anymore of it. I did all the calculations and I should have enough but one is never sure. If I don't think I'll make it, I'll skip the sleeves and convert it to a sleeveless top by working i-cord around the entire armhole.
Or maybe I should finish Arwen before it gets too warm...
Or I could ignore the guilt and work on my CDM sock. Notice how it's still twisting to the left?

PS. The sock is 12g and it's 5" long.
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