Finished the socks for Tony. What a nightmare that was. After I finished the first one (toe-up), I realized that it was an inch too long. So I ripped back from the toe, and then decreased and kitchenered the bottom. The second sock went a lot more smoothly. The nice thing about working with self-striping yarn is that you don't have to do any measuring the second time around — you just have to follow the pattern from the first sock.

And on the needles at the moment: Austermann Step socks. These are going SO quickly. This first sock was cast on Saturday night at 10'ish, and finished last night. I'm hoping to have the second sock done by the weekend, so I'll have new socks on Sunday.

Off to watch
Lost now!
1 comment:
Those socks look great. Did you finish the wheat ones?
That spiral cuff looks nice. Reminds me of a pair of spiral tube socks that I should finish...
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