Saturday, March 31, 2007
I finally got the Bonita shirt started sans moebius. Phew! That was trickier than it should've been. But now I'm cruising. No pic since there's only 1 inch of boring hem facing knitted.
And I started another project. In my previous post, I was lusting after that hemp yarn. I found the perfect project for the yarn - the Indigo Ripples skirt from the current IK. I ran out to the yarn store to buy the hemp this morning and I've spent the rest of the day in mathland working out the details. The hemp is fingering (yes, it has occurred to me that I'm nuts for knitting a skirt with sock-sized 2.75mm needles) and the project yarn is dk/sport so I need to make a lot of changes. I also swatched and I need to wash the swatch before I start the real thing.
And here's a little temptation... Discontinued Brand Name Yarn - I think I hear my credit card sobbing. They've got superwash sock yarn ($11.99), bamboo ($42.50 for bag of 10 - 100g/250yds), etc. I must knit fasterso that I can buy more yarn!
Friday, March 30, 2007
I'm working on a tank top in that cotton big sport that I got for $10/bag. Hope I'll have enough yarn!
Also in progress: the tofutsies sock. That's now getting worked on during my commute only, so it's not going as quickly.
Boy, are you ever deep in the frog pond. Hope you get out soon!
Thursday, March 29, 2007
My lys has gotten a new shipment of hemp yarn called "hemp for knitting" . The stuff feels like straw but after it's been washed, it's so soft. In fact, I'd be tempted to prewash the skein before knitting with it. And the drape is unbelievable. There's 2 weights - fingering (only $6 for one 50g/150m skein) and dk (twice the price/weight as the fingering but same yardage per skein). I thought about buying some of the fingering to make this lace nightie. But decided that the yarn wouldn't look good in the gauge required. The dk would be a better weight but it's so thick. I don't know that I want a nightie with that much substance. Lana Knits is distributing the yarn and has great pattern support. I really really love this top. It's knit side to side and looks so elegant. I would be tempted to knit it in black so that I could wear it with anything. And maybe one in 'deep sea' to wear with jeans. Hmmm...
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Bad couple of days
And when Tony and I dabbed a bit on our tongues, we had to agree -- think bitter and metallic, and then add waves of flavours, all yucky. So we went back and the pharmacist gave us pills instead, which went down in ice cream tonight. Poor kid's having a bad week.
And that's why I didn't blog about the sock madness Mad-tini socks that I finished late on Tuesday night. I really liked the spiral pattern, so I continued it down the top of the foot after the heel. It's a deviation from the pattern, but since I'm out of the running anyways, I'm just knitting this to make myself happy. I did finish two days before the final competitor in this round, which made me oddly happy.
feels like summer

Tuesday, March 27, 2007
feels like spring

I did laundry and some general house tidying. I really should get out in the garden and stick a bunch of stuff into the ground. Over the winter, I bought a lot of sale/clearance plants and they should be planted this spring. But first I need a plan... I also bought a jumbo pack of begonia tubers from Costco last night that should be potted up.

Today, I got a package in the mail (shh - don't tell hubby but I'm expecting 3 yarny parcels). It was the MCY yarn that I ordered from Etsy. In person, the colours are a little brighter than the Etsy picture but that's ok. The yarn is a light fingering so I will probably have to go out and buy smaller dpns. But it's very squooshy and I can see that the colours will look really nice in socks.
I finished a neck thingy out of olive Malabrigo for a quilting friend of mine. No pictures because it's just a boring tube. Maybe I'll get a picture of the recipient modelling it. I'm starting another neck thingy for another quilting friend. I'm using Malabrigo again but in emerald. This colourway has lots of blue and turquoise and reminds me of the ocean. The colour choice really stressed me out cuz my friend was no help. She used the words, "I trust your judgement". I know she doesn't like brights and some greens. She uses a lot of blue in her quilts so I picked something with blue in it. But I am fully prepared for her to hate it.
I've been dreaming about how to use the yarn that I salvaged yesterday. I did some math and I have enough for this lace nightie (free from IK's website). Or maybe I should make something wearable in public.
Monday, March 26, 2007
formerly known as 'tank top'

The lace scarf is moving along. I think it's about 12" long if I stretch it out on my leg. I have no pictures since I disassembled my blocking/photography station (aka the guest bed) this morning.
No sock progress. Socks have fallen completely off my knitting radar. I'm obsessed with the lace scarf.
Pimping Yarn
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Knitters Treat Exchange
So here are my answers to the questionnaire:
1. What's your favourite type of yarn?
I am currently addicted to handpainted/dyed sock yarn. Heck, I'm addicted to sock yarn period. I like anything soft. I also have a weakness for laceweight yarn.
2. What's your least favourite type of yarn?
I don't like scratchy yarn - I don't care what it's made out of. I don't mind synthetic materials as long as it's soft. I don't like overly sheddy yarn like angora.
3. What's the first thing you do when you visit a new yarn shop?
Fondle the yarn.
4. What other crafts do you do / would like to do?
I am primarily a quilter. I knit because I can do it and watch TV at the same time. I would like to learn how to weave and spin properly (I own a drop spindle and some roving).
5. What magazines do you currently subscribe to?
Fons & Porter's Love of Quilting, Interweave Knits, Cook's Illustrated
6. Put this type of magazine in order of preference:Knitting / Crochet / Other Craft / Food / Home / Fashion / Celebrity Gossip / Garden
Other Craft - Quilting
Celebrity Gossip
7. What items do you like to knit / crochet?
I like lace knitting - scarves/stoles/shawls. I like making socks and cardigans. I also like making mittens & toques.
8. Are you allergic to anything?
I am mildly allergic to a lot of foods but that doesn't stop me from eating them. I am allergic to caffeine and that is one of the things I avoid so that I can eat chocolate. I also have sensitive skin (poor me - I can only wear gold/titanium jewellry). My mosquito bites look like bee stings. TMI?
9. What do you like to* smell of?(*This is not a typo. The question is: What do you like to smell of)
Chanel No. 5, Estee Lauder Dazzling Gold
Lavender, vanilla
10. What's your favourite way to relax?
Hanging out with my quilting/knitting buddies.
11. You're stood in front of a Victorian style sweetshop, an Italian cafe, an old fashioned bakery and a dainty tea room. Where do you go first?
Old fashioned bakery
12. What do you come out with?
A whole strip of apple strudel, a bag of cookies, and some kind of cheese bread.
13. Where do you go next?
Victorian sweetshop
14. Any other words of wisdom for your pal?
I love the colour purple. Any shade of purple. I have 2 cats so you could say I'm a cat person. And finally, don't let my allergies stress you out.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
busy Saturday
I think the lace is working out. Here's what my swatch/scarf looks like now:

I think it's ok. I swatched with 3.5mm needles, switched to 2.75mm, and eventually settled on US 3. I'll keep knitting on it for now.
I wound up my latest dyeing disaster. I don't think I can use it for anything wearable. The colour is too murky.
I've been cutting fabric today. My nieces are promised a queen sized quilt when they move out of their crib. Last year, my youngest niece declared that she was a big girl and wasn't going to sleep in her crib anymore. She wanted to sleep in a big bed like her older sister. My sister bought some fabric last year to get me started. A few weeks ago, I saw a pattern that would work with the fabrics she picked out. I bought a few more pieces to balance things out and today I chopped it all up. The fabric at the top is flannel and it is the backing for the quilt. I love the little Chinese girls wearing traditional Chinese outfits. When I saw this fabric years ago, I bought the entire bolt. Half of it has been used on the back of my oldest niece's quilt. I wish I had more of it.
Friday, March 23, 2007
getting my ass kicked
I want to use the lacy entrelacs pattern on page 101 of the Knitting Encylopedia 1500 patterns by Mon Tricot. Firstly, it says it's a "multiple of 13 + 1 + selv" which is wrong. The "+ 1" isn't necessary. Then I knit it up and there's something wrong going from row 5 to row 7. And there's something wrong going from row 11 and row 1, the first ssk doesn't line up. Note that these problems are only at the beginning/end of the row. The pattern is fine when you repeat it across the row.

The first problem is trying to line up the 2 yo's of row 7 on either side of the yo in row 5. To make it work, I have to k1, yo, k1, yo at the beginning of row 7. But then there is a stitch missing at the end of row 7. I have adjusted by doing a kf&b in the last stitch of the row.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
OMG yarn sale
the suspense is over

Wednesday, March 21, 2007
What a day
We had a great morning, going out to a local drop-in playgroup, but when we got home, that's when the day pretty much frogged itself, and this was the end of it. So if you're ever wondering why I'm not blogging, think of this photo.
And of course I can put up a photo of your gorgeous bag. It's in use at the moment, holding my current sock in progress. It's the SWTC Tidal Wave pattern, in that Tofutsies yarn that you gave me for my birthday. It's pretty cushy yarn. Some people online have complained that it's splitty, but I'm not having any issues with it, and I'm using the pointy Knitpicks needles.
a hairball kind of a day
I started 2 things yesterday and ripped them both out. First up was a garter toe/heel sock out of some leftover yarn from the test knit. I did not like it so that got frog'd. Then I wound up some lace yarn (the KP Shadow Redwood Forest that I was complaining about) and a pattern. I knitted 16 rows and frog'd that, too. I didn't like the needle size and the pattern for that yarn. I am going down a few needle sizes and I'm going to try a stitch pattern from one of my reference books. If it looks good, I'll post pictures.
Warning: The rest of this post is kinda cranky and there is no knitting content so you might want to skip it.
Bad cat
I woke up at 3:30am - correction, I was woken up at 3:30 this morning. Phoebe (one of our cats) jumped on the bed and lay down on the other side of my husband and started purring - very loudly. Loud enough to wake me. That's really loud considering that I'm a very sound sleeper. I tossed and turned for awhile and then I got up.
So on 4 hours sleep, I'm trying to get through the day. The same annoying cat had a hairball on the floor right behind me while I was standing at the bathroom counter. Of course, I had to throw the bathmat into the washing machine. I also had to chase her down to wipe off her chin and paws (it was a very large hairball).
A little more dyeing...
When I first started Kool Aid dyeing, I made a bunch of mistakes. In this instance, I didn't use enough powder and ended up with a wishy-washy salmon pink. Blech. I attempted to fix that mistake yesterday. First, I used the rest of the dye from the sock yarn dyeing. Then I used straight grape. I let both skeins dry overnight and they look hideous. I think hubby's comment was "you're trying for brown?" Uh no. So I went out to Safeway and bought more cherry hoping to brighten up the yarn a little. Both skeins are cooling right now and we'll see how I like it when they're dry. If they don't work out, I see a Kitty Pi (here's the pattern and here's a gallery of Kitty Pi's) in Phoebe's future.
I made a sock project bag for my co-blogger out of the cute sock fabric that I bought recently. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture of it before I gave it to her last weekend. Hey Gladys - can you post a pic when you have a moment? Thx.
And I got a present last week. Some of my quilting friends went to an exhibit featuring a local art quilter - Vivian Zuba. She is an extremely talented quilter and I've had the good fortune of taking 2 classes with her. Afterwards, they browsed through the gift shop and bought some very cute cards. They gave one of them to me because they know I knit. Isn't it cute? I have such nice friends.

And now, I am going to have a long nap. That is, if I can lie down. I just had lunch and I've got really bad heartburn. So bad that I took some Pepto. I better perk up cuz tonite's knit nite.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
dye job

Monday, March 19, 2007
Monday UFO report
No sock progress at all. However, there has been stash enhancement - some KP Telemark in Bayberry and KP Shadow in Oregon Coast and Redwood Forest.

Friday, March 16, 2007
There hasn't been much knitting over here. I spent most of Wed in the garden cleaning up. And since the garbage cans didn't get emptied, I dumped all the stuff on Hubby's side of the carport. I'm going to make him haul it to the yard waste recycling centre tomorrow.

Thursday, March 15, 2007
Socks, socks, socks!
And now I'm in pattern paralysis. I've got a ton of gorgeous yarns, and I can't decide what to make next. So I've grabbed a self-patterning silk opal that I got off the Destash blog, to do a plain stockinette sock while I'm trying to make up my mind.
Katia ad campaign
The text reads: "Kill Time, Knit" and "Kill the Stress, Knit".

Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Finished the mad cows!
Also, check out the huge anniversary yarn sale at Red Bird Knits! 20% off a ton of really nice yarn. And it's in Canada, so no customs charges. I got my birthday order from them earlier this week. The Fleece Artist merino sock yarn is amazing, and I just don't know what I want to make from it.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
truly random
2. No knitting today. Not feeling like it. But I have been reading some knitting blogs.
3. Speaking of knitting blogs, Eunny Jang finally posted to her blog in what seems like ages. And she's got big news - she's the new editor of Interweave Knits. Congrats Eunny!
4. I basted my night weave quilt and it's ready for quilting. I think I've decided what I'm going to do...
5. Clean out cat litter boxes - check. I don't mean the daily scooping. I'm talking about the once-a-month, drag-out-the-soap kind of cleaning.
6. Laundry. Where does it all come from? There's only the 2 of us.
7. Keeping an eye on Ricky. Lately, he's been throwing up (on our light coloured carpet) in the early afternoon. He hasn't been doing it regularly or even daily so it's hard to tell if it's hairballs or if something else is wrong. I think I'll take him to the vet next week and make sure he's ok.
8. Phoebe was a pest while I was heating up my lunch today. She begs for treats at around noon. After I threw my lunch in the microwave, I was emptying the dishwasher and she came over, rubbed her face on my legs, and since I was ignoring her, she reached up and put her paws on my butt (yes, she can be that tall) and meowed at the top of her lungs. I ignored her some more so she walks over to her food bowl and proceeds to pick it up with her teeth and drops it several times. She knows that annoys me. And the only way to make her stop is to give her treats. Am I well trained or what?
9. It's been 3 days and the kitchen still smells like lamb curry. It's getting annoying. I may need to light a candle in there.
10. It's definitely spring here. There are mini daffodils blooming down the street and our neighbour's camellia is starting to bloom. If only the stupid rain will stop long enough for me to do some gardening.
11. Last but not least, my wee tiny sock is ready to be mailed. I made a little card for it so that the sock can be proudly displayed. I hope my recipient likes it.

Sock madness loser
I might have made it if I hadn't frogged my first attempt because I didn't like how the colours were coming together. I was almost at the heel turn, but I decided that the colours were too bright for me to wear.
Photos coming soon, I promise!
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Soggy Sunday
Anyways, it's a perfect day to hunker down and do something crafty.

I finished knitting the neck warmer for Cathy yesterday night. Hubby and I were watching a super dumb movie - Family Guy Presents: Stewie Griffin - The Untold Story. I can stand watching the show but the movie was just trash.
Friday, March 9, 2007
lost and found

Thursday, March 8, 2007
a little stash enhancement

Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
shorts weather
(This is a picture from last year. I love this picture. I love muscari - good thing because there's 15 feet of them.)

I am not a great gardener. I don't make the colours flow or work at getting things to bloom at different times of the year. I'm not that organized. I buy/grow things that I like. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I'm sure I've spent way, way too much money on the garden over the years. But it's lots of fun and I never regret anything I've done (ok, maybe I'm a little sorry about ripping out the gorgeous 30 year old rhodo last year).
On the seed front, I bought some pink pampas grass and a new columbine (lime sorbet). I am really excited about the columbine. The flowers are shaped like the Nora Barlow columbine but they're white with a hint of green. I think the lime sorbet would look great next to the almost black Nora Barlow
As you can tell, no knitting today. I had to run some errands this morning, ate lunch, and then out into the garden while it was still dry. I did hit the thrift store to look for a possible handle for the Brea bag. I found a leather belt that will work. I'll just have to chop it up and rather than risk breaking my sewing machine, I'll take it to the shoe repair place and have them sew it up. I also bought 2 books - "Folk Art Quilts: 20 unique designs from the American Museum in Britain" by Anne Hulbert (wow! The quilts are just amazing) and "The Darwin Awards: Intelligent Design" by Wendy Northcutt (there are some jewels in this volume).
Oh, I signed up for the Wee Tiny Sock Swap. Click on the button on the left for more info.
Monday, March 5, 2007
Monday wip report
The other fun thing was working on the Brea Bag. I've knit one of the sides. It was super fast and easy and looks great. I will block both sides before I knit the gusset. I searched the Net and noticed some Breas had a rounder profile and others were more angular. I like the rounder ones. And it'll be a good excuse to use the flexible blocking wires that I got for Christmas. I am tempted to knit the gusset in stockinette rather than moss stitch. I think I'll do a better job seaming the whole thing together if the gusset is plain. I am definitely going to line the inside with fabric. And I will probably skip the button and put in a zipper to make the bag more usable.
I'm still plugging along on the CDM sock. It didn't see any knitting time today. And the Trekking sock (love the yarn) is ready for a heel.
Oh - I came across this website today. You can get your hands on some unloved yarn - some of it for free. Go read about it. I think it's a great idea.
Sunday, March 4, 2007
lazy Sunday

Yesterday was very productive. I spent all morning in front of my sewing machine and finished sewing the blocks for the Night Weave quilt. After I laid everything out, I found out that I forgot to take into account the blocks I made in the class so I have 6 duplicates plus the 3 that were cutting mistakes. I'll probably use these 9 blocks to make a cushion cover.
In the afternoon, I plugged in all 3 Lord of the Rings movies and grabbed some knitting. I worked on the CDM sock a little. But my hand cramps up after 2 or 3 repeats (6 rows per repeat) - too many twisted stitches. So progress on the sock is very slow. I broke my sock knitting resolution and I cast on a new sock and it's plain boring stockinette. The yarn is Trekking XXL colour 140. It's faux fair isle so it looks best knitted in plain stockinette. Working on the plain sock gives my hand a break from the CDM sock.
Since I've finished a few projects this week, I've been looking around for something new to start (instead of working on my other UFOs). I printed off two free patterns: Rainy Day socks from the latest Mag Knits (I'm going to use the leftover yarn from the test knitting) and Brea Bag from Berroco. The bag will be a good stash buster since it only requires 2 skeins.
The next issue of Knitty should be posted soon. The suspense is killing me.
Friday, March 2, 2007
another one!
Pattern: Aunt Dana's Russian Boots, Wed March 7 from the Knitting Page-A-Day 2007 calendar (ok, I cheated and looked through all the pages in the calendar and marked all the patterns that I like)
Yarn: Patons Classic Wool in Rosewood; 1 skein
Needles: 4mm Perl-Inox straights (I love these needles - they are awesome)
Mods: cast on 90 sts instead of 70 and they're still too small for my size 8 feet (they fit my Mom's size 5 feet). I knit 24 rows of garter stitch before I started the decreases. I decreased until I had 50 sts left and then did 12 more rows of garter before casting off.
I wore my new neck warmer on Thurs because it was snowing and cold. I wore it to my weekly quilting meet-up and it was pretty popular. I let Cathy try it on and she didn't want to take it off. I have 3 orders for the neck warmer now. I don't mind - Malabrigo is very nice to knit with and the neck warmers are quick and easy to make.
Not much CDM sock progress. I got a little done yesterday morning while I was waiting for the bike store to open (they had a door crasher item that hubby had to have). But my 3 hour afternoon nap kinda wiped out any knitting plans that I had.
Hubby is going skiing tomorrow so I've got the whole day to myself. And I plan on knitting and watching DVDs. I really love my 5 disc DVD player. You don't hafta get up for hours and hours and hours.
Yarn enabling
Most of it is undyed, too, so it would be totally ready for dyeing experiments. Sock yarn is the Kona Superwash Fingering, 1120 yards for $10.99, or the Treadsoft Superwash, 980 yards for 12.65. I also think I'm in love with the chocolate alpaca, which would be a nice cozy sweater.
Still working on my next pair of cashmere socks — the pink and purple ones this time. Turned the heel this morning, so I should be done sometime this weekend.
Plus I got into Sock Madness, so there are some funky socks in my future.